Mag release technique?


New member
I'm a lefty. But I was told that releasing the magazine is actually faster if you use your trigger finger to release it (using the right-handed mag release instead of getting the release switched over). I was told that right-handed shooters could even benefit from practicing that way.

Is this true? I have guns that can be switched to either configuration. I was just wondering which way I should train, if in fact, one way was faster than the other.
good post, as I'm a lefty as well. My Sigma .40 mag release is on the left side, but I use my middle finger to eject the mag, keeping my trigger finger on the trigger guard. And despite qualifying with an M-9 both left handed and right handed, I use my left hand to eject the mag either way. Left handed grip I use my middle finger, right handed grip I use my left thumb.
My department kind of recommended switching the mag release over to the side where you could release it with your finger instead of your thumb. They felt it was faster that way but left it up to each officer to decide which side they wanted it on and felt more comfortable with. After trying it both ways, the majority of the officers liked it on there trigger finger side than there thumb. I never liked it on my thumb side. My fingers are not real long and I would almost have to readjust my grip to release it with my thumb on the P226's that he carry. It's much easier and quicker on my trigger finger side.
Another south paw here. On both my fnp-9 and my g19(as well as dad's 1911 and my buddy's usp) I've always used my left middle finger to hit the mag release, and my left index finger for slide releases.

I can tell you, out of boredom, my two shooting buddies and I had 'reloading competitions', to see who was fastest. Both of them are right-handed, and adapting to my way, the majority of the time I'm the fastest among us. Average time of reload from slide lock to chambered round from a fresh magazine is approximately 1.6 seconds(like I said, we were bored :D).

My .02
In my action shooting league we had quite a few lefties. They had zero handicap using their index finger on a regular mag release. I shot one lefties gun that had a Smith and Alexander mag release for a left hander, and I used my right index finger to drop the mag- no problem at all. It was very quick.
The later HK P7s have a release behind the trigger on both sides .I very quickly became used to using the trigger finger.It also keeps your trigger finger off the trigger which is a bit safer.
I'm a right hander and I switched my Beretta's, S&W M&P over to a right sided magazine release. I am currently looking into doing it to my 1911's. I find it much easier to release the mag using my trigger finger without disrupting my grip.
I find that using my thumb works best for me. I did have some issues with adjusting my grip to hit the button on my normal carry piece which is a Glock 23. I installed a mag release from a Glock 20/21 which has a wider frame. The release protrudes a bit more and I can hit it effectively with no adjustment of the grip.
Awesome. I will practice that then. How do all of you feel about trying to use the slide release (slide stop) or safety if it is on the "right-handed" side and you are a lefty. I basically can't purchase SIGs because I don't think I could deal with all of those controls being on the right handed user side.
Slide release? Same technique, no problem.

You should start steering yourself towards a 1911. Much more ergonomic, IMHO.
Well I'm not really interested in SIG pistols. I agree. I might as well buy a 1911 for those prices. I just used the SIG control scheme to illustrate what I would be working with (many people know SIGs).

The gun I have is the FNP-45 Tactical. When I bought it I was less than pleased to discover that the left-handed (right side) magazine release and slide catch (stop) suck. Only the right-handed mag release smoothly ejects the magazine. The left handed mag release ejects the magazine 3mm and then stops. I then have to release my left thumb from the mag release and pull the mag out with my hand to remove the magazine. The right handed side works fine (I press it and the magazine falls out). Also, I field stripped it and discovered the right-handed slide stop was the only side actually holding the slide back. The left-handed slide stop was just free-floating (in other words... doing nothing). You can release the slide with the left-handed slide stop lever... but it is really hard... because you aren't pushing on the side that is actually holding the slide back.

In conclusion... I wanted to retrain instead of having to spend more money on a $1k pistol that should have worked as advertised. So I wanted to see how practical it would be to just learn to use all of the right-handed controls with my left hand.
If anyone wants to convert their 1911 to an ambi mag release, both Smith & Alexander and Cylinder & Slide make them.
Midwestusa and others carry them.