Mag-na-porting a #1H


New member
I am already thinking of options on how to reduce felt recoil on the #1H I will be ordering soon. Of course pads I have considered. But I had the thought of Mag-na-porting it. Is it worth it? How well would it work on this rifle (.458 Win Mag)?

The best way to reduce recoil is better hearing protection. Don't laugh, it's true. Double up on your hearing protection and you will see the felt recoil go away.


Don't you dare punch/drill or otherwise ruin that #1 with extra holes in the end of the bbl......There should only be one hole...bore...thats it.

Quit worrying about recoil. It ain't a 22 and you know it.

"single soot shooters only shoot once"
huntschool, you kill me! :) Nah, I was thinking...better to learn the recoil than to minimize it. That way if I move further "down" the ballistic chart, I can conquer them more easily. WHAT?! It's not a .22?! :eek: I suppose I am more curious than worried about recoil. Seriously though, I just cannot wait to order it!!!

Well, how about this: full-legnth electric-blue alluminum barrel with a steel liner, a matching muzzle break, and a red-epoxied stock? Of course, I would also have to do something with that bland trigger...hmmm. NO WAY. You are right...the rifle shouldn't have much done to the appearance.

Is there anything that DOES need to be done to her?

Hueco. The only thing you need to do with that #1 is give it to me. It'll look good next to my #1H in .375 H&H. :)
With that said, just shoot it. The comment about the extra hearing protection is right on. You'd be surprised how mush less a rifle recoils when you hardly hear it.
I had a .308 Win. rifle that with ammo reloaded with stout loads using H-335, the ball of fire that came out of the muzzle was visible at high noon in july on a bright sunshiny day. The recoil felt more like an elephant gun. I'm not kidding. When I got a set of hearing protecters, the rifle felt like a pussy cat. Still had the ball of fire, but the kick felt reduced bt two thirds. That sucker was loud. I don't use H-335 anymore for anything.
One other thing. You do know that Winchester discontinued the .458 mag., don't you? That leave remington, and I think Federal supplying ammo. Winchester will be making ammo "seasonably." Their words.
Paul B.
I am not sold on the magnaport concept. I guess it does help some but I don't know if anyone has ever been able to quantify it? Why are you buying a 458 if you are worried about the recoil? If you are bothered by recoil I suggest you pick a smaller caliber. The 458 #1H gives you quite a thump with 500 gr loads. What you need to do is have your #1H reamed out to .460 Weatherby like I did then you won't worry about recoil because you know it's coming :eek:


[This message has been edited by NJW (edited March 16, 2000).]
NJW, nope...I really am not worried about recoil. I start thinking of projects and "to-do's" when I get anxious and bored. :) Hmmm, really...460 Weatherby? I had kinda planned to have it upped to 458 Lott, but having the "most powerful, shoulder-fired cartridge" would be nice. :D By the way, did you opt for the surgery to replace all the bones on your shoulder with carbon fiber/spectra? How bad is the 460 really? I have heard stories...but that is all -- just stories.

Paul, sure, as soon as I pick her up...I'll Fed-Ex her your way. Suuuure. Yeah, I did hear that Winchester did decide to remove it from their line. I didn't know that they would be manufacturing it "seasonally." What season, do you know? For the majority of my shooting, only having Remington and Federal will be ok.

For now, I will plan to simply get a recoil pad, and extra hearing pro. I plan on using my muffs plus a set of in-the-ear foamies.

Well guys, I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas to come! The days just HAVE to be 36 hours long now, that is the only way to explain how they seem to go on forever! Take it easy!

You must be joking about the aluminum barrel and steel liner. The thermal expansion is so different that a few shots and the barrel will be loose in the sleeve and then the liner will swell from pressure and the bore will get larger. As for the magna port. I have looked at the inside of a lot of EDMed barrels and it is common to see splatter marks just out side the holes from where the power had been turned to high to finish the job quickly. In my opinion I would rather see you have your gunsmith thread the barrel and screw a muzzle brake on and make a threaded cap to screw on the muzzle to protect the threads when you are in the field and not using the brake
Yes Mr. McMillan, I am totally joking. I was jesting at myself always wanting to do stuff to everything I own. YOu are exatctly right about the differeing expansion quantities.'s how a thermostat works, so it would never work on a barrel!! Ah! Muzzle break! Never!! :) They just make too much noise. Thanks for the info on EDM, after I had read a bit more on that, I decided I would never be subjecting my barrel to that! No way. I don't care what they say about how gentle or safe it is! Thanks again, and have a wonderful day!!


If you saw my post on recoil in "BIG BORE" guns...just follow the directions and you will be able to shoot that "little ole 458 gopher gun" just like that 12 year old was able to shoot those 416 Rig. full house loads.

I wish I could be there and go out the back door with you the first time you shoot it.

Suggestion: Find a 25 gal plastic "pickle" bbl ad fill it to the top...(thats plum full) with watr...put the caps on tight and back up 50-75 yds and take aim dead center with a heavy soft point load....."squoze" the trigger and watch the fun.

We do this for kids in our hunter safety course with various sized containers for various size "bullutes". Pretty impressive.

Glad you enjoyed the do the ear protection helps.

"single shot shooters only shoot once"
Having the .458 #1 reamed to .460 is a cheap way to play with a big boomer. I used to work for a commercial reloader that had a small shop. A #1H in .460 came into the shop and I got to shot it quite a bit before it finally got sold. I told myself if I ever ran across a #1H in .458 I would buy it and get it rechambered. Well I finally found one and now I have a .460 Weatherby that cost me under $450. I like the .460 over some of the other big caliber's because brass and bullets are common and aren't as pricey as the more exotic stuff and it still is up there as far as power goes.
As far a the recoil of the .460 goes, I don't think it is as bad as the "stories" you hear. As always, recoil is subjective. I am 6"4" 230 lbs so the recoil is not bad as far as I am concerned. I have let others shoot it and most don't feel that it was damaging to them evben though they usually don't want a second shot.
Overall I like my .460 allot and highly recommed the conversion if the reciol isn't a problem.

Well, truly I think rechambering it to 460 Wea. might be a bit much for me (can't afford the ammo really), but 458 Lott seems to be a good choice. Are there any problems with doing this? I wouldn't rechamber for a while, so would the already broken-in barrel pose any problems? Is there increased throat wear if I use the 458 Win Mags along with the Lotts? In other words, is there he same problem of throat wear as in using 22 shorts in a 22 LR? Where can I get 458 Lott ammo, and how much is it on average? Is it purely a reloader's cartridge?

About 6 years ago I tried a crude experiment to test a Mag na Port job. I used my .416 Rem Mag for this experiment.
I was not looking to reduce recoil, but was wanting to tame the muzzle jump from my rifle. I used a spool of sewing thread, attached to a spindle on my benchrest and then tied the end of the thread to the end of my barrel. I fired 3 shots, and measured the amount of thread pulled from the spool after each shot.

After the Mag na Port job I performed the same procedure. To the best of my memory, about 12" of thread was pulled from the spool before Mag na Porting. And aprox. 7" was pulled after the Mag na Port job.

I could not tell any difference in felt recoil, but muzzle jump was reduced.