Mag-Lite flashlight (Impact weapon)?

They make excellent impact weapons--in fact, they were designed to be used as such. Even the small mini-MagLite (2AA) was designed to be utilized as a kubotan/yawara...

I prefer the diameter of the C-cell models to the D-cells but either one will work just fine.
Just remember...
It is NOT a non lethal weapon.
Use accordingly.

Tis a fine line tween stopped and death.

It is NOT a non lethal weapon

That depends on what you hit with it. Large muscles of the limbs = nonlethal. Head/torso = lethal.

Use the "battery cap" and to strike, not the reflector (you could wreck a perfectly good utility light and loose most of the mass if the reflector comes off and the batteries fall out - I've heard that it does happen).
Very good impact weapon.

Bigger the better does not necessarily hold true for these. Small ones can be very effective. Try this test. Take an aluminum baseball bat and beat the hell out of a maglight and see which one loses the battle. Very good defensive item as well as defensive weapon.

Also hitting limbs, ie. legs, arms or breaking ribs can be interpreted as lethal force.
pbarrick makes a good point about the C cell models. Much easier to manipulate, and easier to handle when used with a firearm.
Back in April, I was jumped from behind by two guys. Happened to have a 4 D cell MagLite with me. Got in a couple of good hits on the first guy before the second took the MagLite away. I ended up on the deck getting kicked. Grabbed the cuff of the second guy's pants to put him down, at least briefly. Hit me with the MagLite and broke my wrist. As I was getting up, he hit me in the head about three times. After that, I was still getting up, and I think that's why they ran. Never lost consciousness,Ended up with about 30 staples in my head.
Just my 2 cents...
MagLite Thoughts


I picked up a MagLite a few months ago when I had to travel out of state. I read a great idea somewhere that I went with:

Although I chose the 4D-cell model, I chose one in bright blue. (I would have prefered the magenta but they were out). The point being, if you have to use it as a weapon and it winds you up in court, a big black metal club looks menacing but a bright purple flashlight looks outright silly and non-threatening.

Just a thought.

I carry one in my car all the time. Why not? It's a useful tool in any case. Of course, it might me more useful for some applications if it only had two of those D-cells in it... :)

They used to have a neat replacement for the tailcap on the MagLite AAs called a MoGem. It's the same size and shape as the lamp assembly but it's made out of machined aluminum. They're fairly cheap, easy to install, and they make a nicer striking surface for impact.

The SureFire lights work well as a striking tool, too. The added benefit there is being able to blind them with the light just before you smack them with the bezel.
mini mag vs. streamlight/surefire...

I'd like to blind my attacker with the light, and the mini mag loses out in this respect, because no one is going to just stand there and wait for you to twist and adjust your beam. Unless you've thought ahead and turned on the light and are covering the lense with your thumb.
I've carried a 3 C-cell Maglite for almost 20 years as both a source of illumination and as a "source of illumination" for those who need to be "illuminated";)
I've seen replacement caps that carry a pepper-spray canister, so you can use the spray at distance and club 'em if they don't get the hint.