Mag light 6 Cell?


New member
Anybody have one or think one would be useful in the house?

I keep a 4 D cell in the car, on the floor by the door - drop left hand, there it is. 6 cell looks a little on the large side for a car but Ok for house - give you a couple more inches stand-off so you could get to the artillery.
All the cops on the forum should be drooling .........

My brother is a deputy sheriff here. Doesn't go anywhere without his 4-cell. Great flashlight but he keeps having to replace it because the BG's keep headbutting the stupid thing.......
Someone once told me that it is illegal to use anything larger than a 3 cell to hit someone with, as it is concidered a club. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?
Nothing in the Texas Penal Code re: 3- vs. 4-cell flashlights, or even flashlights per se. In the police academy, we were admonished to not use a flashlight as a club--that's why I carry an ASP and pepper spray. 'Course, if all I had was my Streamlight SL-20X .......
For about a year Maglite made a six cell AA size light, total length was 18'', very handy. Anyone know where to find one?
Mag lite

Used to have the big ones in the car all the time...good stand off weapon.

Reason not to use them as a club?

Had a trainee with me one time, we were approaching the home to interview the occupant...front porch was about 100 feet from the front fence/gate. We were about half way on the front lawn, when three german sheperds burst through the screen door, running full out at us.
I looked at the front gate, figured I couldn't outrun the four legged critters, when I heard the tenant yell, "Stay perfectly still! Don't run!"
I had my flashlight out, but I figured I'd gamble and held still. The dogs ran past me but bumped me hard.
The trainee had his five cell maglite out, and he took a swing, hitting the lead dog in the head. Then the head of the light and all the batteries poured out of the shell.
Now the trainee was left holding on to with all the contents on the ground.

Luckily, the other two dogs looked at the first one, who was walking around in a circle, totally dazed...I think if it was a human, it had a bit of a concussion. Without any noise, the other two turned and ran back into the house. The first one kind of laid there and put its paws on its head as it whimpered.

The tenant didn't file a complaint, but boy was she pi$$%d.

So unless you know that that mag head is on tight...I wouldn't use it as a club. Within that year, we had several other instances where the light lost its head and its contents after the first strike.

If you don't have large hands, you might look at the streamlight version of a long flashlight.

Good luck.
:D I used to have a 4 cell (D). Nice light but a bitch to have to run with. The three cell is much more comfortable, my 6z even more so.
I've also heard the three is a flashlight, 4 cell is a club senario.
Silly Question??
Why would you hit someone with the head, light emitting, portion of a Maglite?
I have a 3 cell done in my car and in evaluating its use as a flashlight I went to carrying it with the head on the small finger side of my hand. This means that you have to carry it with the battery holding barrel over your shoulder but this allows a better spead of the light on where you are walking plus it does not take much for you to direct light above and around you. Also the balance in your hand is less exerting if carried for a period of time.

Lastly, the amount of time to use as a club is significantly less and you are hitting with the weight and the end that you put the batteries in is less inclined to break.
I'll second this method. The light has much more oomph with the battery end (pun intended), holding it closer to eye level reduces shadows and places it in a good position for retention, defense and offense.

Also, the elbow is bent and tucked in to a position of maximum strength. A straight elbow is the weakest upper limb joint, but a bent elbow the strongest, most powerful striking surface.

LAS...: nice example of dog psychology. If it runs away, it is food. It is safe to run in a pack, leaving the alpha male to attack first. If he goes down (especially that fast), it may not be such a good idea to continue the fight. The dogs could not realize the trainee had just broken his weapon...
Mag lite

Gunter and L.S.,
Just an example of what could go wrong or right in this case even though the trainee panicked and "lost" the use of his weapon.
Good suggestion on how to use the light in your favor.
Our office learned from that one.
I keep a 5 D cell maglite in the car. It gives a lot of confidence when traveling in no-carry states. A small fire extinguisher is nice as well.
We carry 3-cells in one of the slots on our ammo pouches on the belt where you normally shove in an M67 frag grenade. Of course we never see those things *sniff sniff* so we put all sorts of other goodies in there, like the maglite. The guys who carry them have that rubber head attachment for them usually.

So can we use the point of it (the battery end) kind of like a chisel to strike rather than as a club? We do it to hammer random things in the field usually (i.e. receiver pins on the M4.)
Dog okay?

Yeah, scouter,
Dog was fine...probably with one heck of a headache, though. Couldn't blame the dog, it was doing its' job.

You got it, chisel point strike with pretty good.Aim for the soft points. swing at bony parts.
Has anyone yet tried to take a 3D-cell Maglite onto a plane? I'm flying this weekend and thinking about it. (Hope the FAA not reading this)
Have a 6D and a 6C. As mentioned, the 6C is actually much easier to hold onto. Use it all of the time whenever the lights go out during a storm. Hardly use the 6D after leaving it in the car over a period of time and the batteries inside corroded. Still works though. Now mostly use 6Ps and Scorpions.