Mag Capacity in Maryland?


I was wondering if anyone knew if it's legal to buy a 30 rd mag out of state and have it shipped to Maryland. One of the guns laws says:

After June 1, 1994, it is unlawful to sell, offer to sell, transfer, or
receive any firearm magazine (except a tube magazine for a .22) that will
hold more than 20 rounds. Possession is not prohibited.

Does this mean I can only buy 20 round mags and not the 30 round mags? Please help!
Just drive down to Virginia... There are a couple good store where you can get them Real Cheap, get some good VA BBQ and maek a day of it. The Gas money would be less/about the same as shipping and you'll have more fun.

Then legally you'll be in the clear because "Possession is not prohibited."

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The Critic formerly known as Kodiac