Mad Dog Seminar

Rob Pincus

New member
I just hobbled in from the car after driving back from Atlanta. I spent Saturday and Sunday at the Bujinkan Atlanta Dojo at attending a Kevin McClung Knife and Stick fighting class. Rich Lucibella talked me into going and I owe him a great deal of thanks.

This weekend has revived my faith in commercial training. It seems that there are still worthwhile things going on in classroom settings. I have gotten spoiled in the past by a lot of good one-on-one or very small group training (HTH and Firearm) and been dissapointed in a lot of classroom/Dojo training I have participated in or observed.

Kevin McClung and Hilton Yam put on an excellent seminar which not only introduced the student to worthwhile concepts and techniques, but also allowed them to experiment with them in a safe but "all-out" manner. From student on student sessions with (sorta)padded sticks and fencing helemts to excersises with his infamous "E-Knife" which gives the sloppy student a good "zap" of electircity when he/she goofs up. Students were encouraged to work safely, but realisticaly, as they got more familar with the techniques, the speed and force with which they were executed increased.

I am sure that at least some of the credit for the quality of the class should be given to Bud Malstrom. Many of the students were from his Bujinkan Dojo. Bud is the kind of teacher that obviously demands a lot from his students, but has infintely more to offer them than the "dance instructors" that are far too common in many American day-care center/dojos.

Hilton Yam moves smoother than lava and can problably do just about as much damage to someone who gets in his way. His ground fighting skills are examplary and his techniques polished but not "artsy". McClung has picked his AI very well. I look forward to working with Hilton again when I am in Florida later this spring.

As for Kevin McClung, the Mad Dog himself, I got to spend some time with him at Bud's house last night after the seminar. In addition to being a good instructor and an obviously capable fighter, I found him to be a hell of good guy, too. Honestly, I had no idea who he was or what he was about. Except for an interest in his Mirage-X knives and Rich's praise for him, I probaably never would've gotten to know him, either. Again, I owe Rich a big thank-you. If someone takes my beachball, I want Kevin watchin' my back when I go to get it back.

My 2 cents:

As Harry and Mike Mello know too well, it's near impossible to teach effective knife defense techniques to the general public in 2 days. Kevin and Hilton put together a really balanced program, IMHO. Rather than showing off flowery techniques learned with years of training, they exposed us to basics of footwork, distance, disarms, strikes, parries and counters.

The E-Knife provides an outstanding opportunity to test (and debunk) our preconceptions about knife defense...this item should be marketed as the greatest single advance in martial arts equipment since the staff. The baton vs knife training is more than's essential.

If the goals of the training were to develop awareness, exposure to a new way of looking at the EW confrontation and a recognition that further and continued training in EW encounters is essential, then I rate this class an A++. Like all combat techniques, these are perishable skills...but if practiced, they can open up many new avenues for self defense skills.

For all you gunnies who believe that only a fool brings a knife to a CQB gunfight, I urge you to find a quality Edged Weapons course. Though these are tough to come by, I highly recommend Kevin and his team and I look forward to training with Harry's group also.

Thanks much to Bud Malstrom for hosting this affair and to Hilton for contributing with Dog Brothers style stick techniques and first rate ground fighting tactics.

Special thanks to each and every one of the students who contributed to the wealth of souvenir-size aches, bruises and bumps which I now wear pain, no gain! :)

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited 02-08-99).]
Where can I reach Kevin to find available seminars? And does he teach civilians also?
I'm new here and am in search of more training.
You can find his Email link right here on TFL. DO a search on a common word ("a", "the") witht he unsername "Mad Dog" sepcified.

Only a very few of us at the class had LE credentials. I think only 2 or 3 of us out of 16.

Kevin only teaches a couple or three classes for the general public each year....these are done by request and are not "scheduled" in the sense of a training school. This particular class was organized by Michael Merriken of Bud Malstrom's Bunjikan Dojo in Atlanta.

If you can put together a minimum of 15 locals in your area for a seminar, I'll help you schedule and arrange it and add 3-5 more students from TFL. (No charge on my part). Email me if interested.

Also, we hope to see moderator Harry Humphries 1999 schedule posted in the next few weeks. There may be some training opportunities there.

ps: I'm not LEO and this isn't an LEO board. We're fortunate to have more than our share of Members from that community, though.
I am told by a good friend (Tom Galloway- skinny ex-11-bravo with a goatee) that Rob is cool, and Rich is crazy. Other notes: Bill Stringer is not so hot with a knife, but kicks major *ss with a stick, and Edmund Rowe gets whipped (I coulda told 'em that! :) But, give the boy an AR or a Glock, and...).

I was sorry I couldn't make the seminar, but hope to make the next one...

Fondling my new AR and waiting for *next time*,

Tom and I sparred a little the first day but didn't get together for the more high speed stuff on Sunday.

Rich definitely had some intersting manuevers. ;)

Edzilla held is own (and please don't give him an AR or a Glock unless you've fed him first ;))

As for you,Spectre, consider yourself very lucky to be studying with Mr. Malstrom. We should all be so lucky. (of course you have to pay for it by studying with that Wayne guy... is he always like that??
I regret not working out with Tom. From what I saw, he was one of the most capable people there. Bill Stringer is quite formidable, even empty handed. He taught me a lot. Edmund is Edmund...a big smiling Korean who maintains the same countenance regardless of whether he's complimenting you on a hit or ripping your arms out of their sockets to see if the rib cage is still attached.

Sorry I didn't hook up with you, Spectre. Best regards to your black clad brethren.
Glad to hear the positive responses to MD's class. It drives me nuts to see or hear about "Super Ninja" programs being taught in a few days. While practical gross motor control techniques are assimilated very easily, the fine MA forms are normally not retained more than a few days. People learn enough to get hurt - real bad.

I know that Kevin is a highly skilled mench with a practical mind - his program is one that I would recommend.

GSGI's open training schedule will be posted soon Rich, you will be one of the first to see it.

Indeed, there was not much flowery, intricate stuff even talked about at this class. We were focused on a few simple concepts that we applied bare handed, with and against a blade and with and against a stick.

Kevin's practicality is what really sold me on his training. No matter how many people asked leading questions, looking for fancy answers of maneuvers, Kevin fell back to the basic common denominator. Avoid getting hurt. Control your enemy. Disarm your enemy. Hurt your enemey. Hurt your enemy some more.

Great stuff. Hopefully, I'll be able to get to one of the GSGI classes this year.

I do consider myself fortunate. Sometimes I must admit to looking at others and thinking that "X" (whatever) that they have is really neat. The truth is, though, that my training is the most important thing to me. I am fortunate, indeed.

Wayne is...ah-"special". ;) He needs to lose whatever he studied before the Buj. Personally, I think he helps to keep things light. I may not agree with how he trains, but I like him a lot.


I ended up working all Saturday night. I dropped by the dojo, hoping to meet you and look at the Dog's holsters, but was too late. Ah, well. Tom is great. Bill Stringer used to train at BAD, but gave it up because time involved was cutting into his home life. He has a beautiful young son. I hope to be as lucky.

Next time.

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited 02-09-99).]