Machine gun ranges in Arizona? Please help!


New member
Hey guys:

I will be in Arizona for ONE DAY and last time I was there, I went to the Scottsdale Gun club and shot an AK-47. Wow what a rush!!! Now I'm going to be back there on November 4 for just one day, and I'm wondering if anyone knows of any other machine gun ranges out in the Phoenix/Mesa/Scottsdale area?

It would be extremely helpful if any of you knew contact information for these ranges.

Last time I went, it was the first time I ever shot a machine gun and it was amazing! I actually had one of the employees video tape me! I am trying to hard to move to Arizona....the poltical climate is so much nicer, and people are so nice there. Plus, its cheaper to live than Chicago, year round nice climate, lax gun laws, concealed carry, need I continue?

My whole family is anti-gun....They would all drop dead if they knew the real reason why I wanted to move there...the guns.... Can't wait!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


MG ranges - AZ

If you're looking for rentals, Mandell's in Scottsdale and Shooters World in Phoenix are 2 that come to mind. Caswell's in Mesa may also be able to set something up if you call ahead and researve time. Several dealers in the area would also rent you a MG for demo's, but you'd have to contact them individually, and then either do an indoor or outdoor range, depending on caliber and weapon type desired. SGC is the newest of the indoor ranges in the area and probably the best as far as hygien and FA usage. It was built with FA in mind, and the ventilation system shows this, as do the impact areas. Nice place, decent people. HTH

L. Mike
Hey Mike:

Thanks so much for your reply. I went to SGC last time I was in AZ, and had a blast. The people were really nice and *Professional*, unlike what most people say about gun nuts such as ourselves. It was very pricey, and hopefully there will be a better deal. If not, SGC is the range of choice for the reasons you mentioned. Its clean, and well-designed.

Also, I asked one of the employees to video tape me shooting, and he did. Nice souvenier...Wish I could move to AZ today. Its like no other place on the planet.

Thanks again for your reply.


You're welcome! To bad you couldn't make it out for the big shoot we just had last weekend. Pictures at: <>

Lots of fun had by all, lot of work by some of us. Good, safe shoot, would guess over 1.5 million rounds downrange over a Fri-Sun weekend. And yes, we had MG rentals, including beltfeds of the Browning persuasion. If you plan on being in the area for SAR show, we're having a small 24 hr shoot on the Tue-Wed prior to the show. Nov 30-Dec 1st at the same range.

Remember that there are several dealers in the area who would most likely be willing to "rent" you some time on their products. Get me some specifics as to what you'd really like to shoot, and I'll ask around. Ciao,

L. Mike

How often do you have these MG shoots? It sounds like a lot of fun!!!! I just started a new job, so I really can't take much time off work. This upcoming visit to AZ was originally for a job interview, but I accepted the job here for financial reasons, but I hope to move out to AZ as soon as possible.

So, since the plane ticket and rental car are non-refundable, I might as well go back and play with some MGs. I hope I don't go off the deep end by asking this, but would you be interested in meeting somewhere? Please let me know. Thanks, Erick
I'm not sure if this is the gist of your question, but the mjor shooting range in the Phoenix metro area, Ben Avery, allows full auto with some limitations.