Machine gun or not to machine gun?


New member
Recently, there was a post in the forums regarding the Hughes act on the second amendment. My general question for all who care to put in there two cents...

Do you believe that machine guns are neccesary? Do you believe that they should be allowed to be purchased and owned privately?
Sure. And why not?

The only reason needed, IMHO, is: "Because I want one."

Moreover, with the NICS check in place, they should be sold over the counter, just like any other firearm.
The only limit to the firearms law-abiding citizens can legally purchase should be their bank accounts, and not need (who is anyone else to determine what I 'need'?) or necessity..
Do you believe that machine guns are neccesary?

The purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to make sure that Civilians had the ability to lawfully own the same kinds of firearms that the government could. The machine gun ban of '86 was unlawful in my opinion. It is also dangerous, because it forces civilians to own/use only machine guns made prior to 1986 and basically to have to find used parts to service these old guns.

Do you believe that they should be allowed to be purchased and owned privately?

Absolutely. I own one - why shouldn't people be permitted to own a machine gun. Hardly any crimes are committed with legal machine guns. For that matter, very few crimes are committed with illegal machine guns. But, it doesn't matter to me what if any crimes are committed - that's completely irrelevant - the constitution guarantees our right to own firearms. And, machine guns are nothing more than firearms.
If it weren't for the cost, I'd have a M14 and a M16 in the safe now. Probably be trying to get a Thompson too.
You are asking this in the NFA section? I don't think you will find many that agree with your anti-machinegun views here.

Firstly, I didn't put this here to argue. I wanted opinions and I got them. I appreciate it.
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Firstly, I didn't this here to argue. I wanted opinions and I got them. I appreciate it.

I checked some of your other posts and you are on the record as stating that you do not believe that civilians should be able to own machine guns. While I appreciate your right to express your opinions, this is the kind of stuff we have to battle against when it comes to folks who want to ban all kinds of guns.

The wording of your question: "do you believe that machine guns are necessary?" sort of leaves you open to getting into a debate here. You can just as easily ask:

Are bolt action rifles necessary?
Are shotguns necessary?
Are handguns necessary?
Are semi-auto rifles necessary?
Are semi-auto military style guns necessary?

Necessary for what? And what does "necessary" have to do with the right to own one? Lots of things aren't necessary - cars, planes, running water, hospitals, elections, or even freedom.
I checked some of your other posts and you are on the record as stating that you do not believe that civilians should be able to own machine guns. While I appreciate your right to express your opinions, this is the kind of stuff we have to battle against when it comes to folks who want to ban all kinds of guns.

Of course I am. I never denied this or claimed to be for it. This is not the reason for the post. If you have an opinion, great. That's what it's for. I'm not asking you to defend your stance and I'm not defending or making any of my own. I was simply curious.
Walther P99 said:
The only limit to the firearms law-abiding citizens can legally purchase should be their bank accounts

Completely agree with this. IMO every law abiding citizen should be able to walk into his/her favorite gunshop and buy whatever they want from a NAA Mini .22short to a 120mm mortar or 120mm cannon for their Abrams (or even bigger, just couldn't think of anything bigger at the moment)....

I've got a registered M16 and in the 10 years I've owned it, it's never done anything illegal. My only problem with it is that nowdays I really can't afford to shoot it on "fun" alot of the time.
You can toss me in on of supporting machine guns, or more to the point, automatic firearms, whether they may be a machine pistol, SMG, light MG, or heavy MG, or a selct fire varient.

Why, you ask? Because its not only allowed by the 2A, but also, and more importantly, it is the one and only type of firearm, that is prohibited from being produced at this time, and sold to a law abiding civilian. I repeat, it is the only type of firearm that is unlawful to manufacture now, and sell to a law abiding civilian. Think about it. Its legal to manufacture and sell cannon, mortars, as well as hidden guns, such as pen guns, cane guns, etc, and its legal to make, and sell to a civilian a short barreled rifle/shotgun. I will put my cash money behind an effort that I feel is the best way to get this re-opened.

This is what I look to change, and willing to work toward changing with others. It will take time, but I do feel it will happen.

While I have little to no interest in some other areas of firearms, I try to support others rights to enjoy them as well.
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The reason machine guns cost so much is because they have been banned. Before 1986 they cost just as much as any other gun. Its a supply and demand issue. If BO wins a 2nd term you can bet there will be major gun legislation starting with a ban on so called assault weapons. Buy your stripped lowers now.
BO wins a 2nd term you can bet there will be major gun legislation starting with a ban on so called assault weapons. Buy your stripped lowers now.

That's assuming the Republicans lose both the house and the senate; which nobody is predicting. Stripped (AR15) lowers are the last thing I intend on buying right now. I'm more worried about certain carry pieces no longer being available for the price you can get them today - i.e. the newer pocket or micro 9mm's.
People should absolutely be allowed to own automatic weapons; and all the B.S. NFA paperwork that goes with it should be eliminated. Like all gun laws, they only affect law abiding people like us. The criminals aren't filing for a stamp, trust me.

A side story---when I was stationed at Ft. Knox (then the home of the Armor Center) we took a trip out to a private citizens' house to look at his private tank collection. These were 100% functioning tanks/armored vehicles. He was a private citizen. If people can own tanks (I think they should be allowed to) we should certainly be able to own machine guns.

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."-Thomas Jefferson
Necessary? Not really. Necessary for what? But I should be able to buy a brand new one just as I can buy any other firearm. Most things people own are not necessary. So the next time you want to buy a new rifle, or TV, or a motorcycle, don't forget to file a "Request to purchase an unnecessary item" with the Bureau of Useless Frivolities. And as always, have a glorious day comrade...Or else!

As for FAs being expensive. As tepin said. That's all due to them being banned. If the registry were abolished, an M16 would likely cost only like $20 more than a semi-only AR15. Infact it would be a moot point because I think most manufacturers would just stop making semi-only guns altogether. Why have 2 production lines making two separate guns that are essentially the same except for like 3 parts. If you don't want to/ can't afford to run full auto, fine. That's why there's a selector switch.

I wonder how many miles to a gallon that Tank gets? And it probably runs on diesel!

The Abrams run on jet fuel. So better save up if you want to make it a daily driver. Though in theory the turbine engine in them should be able to run almost any flamable liquid.
Miles per gallon of jet fuel an M1 Abe gets? Lets see...

Starts up (Gallon)
Revs engine (2 Gallons)
At Idle (Gallon per 5 seconds)
Moves 50 feet (5-25: Gallons depending on how many cars it went over:))
Oh you're not kidding on the MPGs... Our unit XO had overspent our annual budget one year and we were really low on fuel funds. We literally called in moving trucks to move our company's tanks about 200 meters to save the fuel of starting and moving them under their own power. Those things are an environmentalists worst nightmare---just another reason I love them ;)
Those things are an environmentalists worst nightmare---just another reason I love them

Aircraft carrier flight operations are another environmentalist nightmare. The maximum weight you can take off with is significantly higher than the maximum weight at which you can land, so if you don't burn enough fuel during the mission, you have to dump some before you can land back at the boat. On one deployment, I calculated that we dumped (on average) 1,000 pounds of fuel into the ocean at the end of each flight.
I think there should be NO restrictions for any kind of firearms.

Maybe, the OP should think about migrating to china...