Mac OS9 is worth the money

cornered rat

I just installed it, as my old OS was corrupted and I had no patience to duplicate the convoluted upgrade path by which I first got it. $106 with tax is too much for anything...except this was worth the moeny, IMO. My Mac runs *much* faster, doesn't crash and the operation of the OS is much more logical. Installation took about 25 minutes, most of it unattended. Intall guide is 1/3 page long and troubleshooting guide is another two...staring with "if you have no CD drive..."

Now my Mac is running, hope Q's PC gets revived someday.

Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos
One of the best OS's you can get.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
Is it really better? That's good news!

I am currently running OS 8.1 on a 66Mhz. Power PC (Yes, I know it's ancient) It performs just fine, but uses 15-16MB of memory just for the system software. As I have 40MB of RAM it kills me to have the OS use up more than a third of my available RAM.

How much memory does OS9 use on your machine? Have you had any compatability problems?

Thanks for the info.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
I can't check how much memory the OS is using as my mac died on me last night is is awaiting its turn at the local repair place. It won't boot off the system CD or HD. Seems that OS9 is taking less memory than 8.1 (which is what I was running before) and is much faster. Make sure you kill off various background tasks it might start on its own, they seem to have too much priority over foreground apps.

I am guessing, based on the last info I have, is that both of my hard drives are damaged...though that would be a freaky co-incidence.
Wow is THIS OT :)

I'll weigh in. I've been using OS9 for around 3 weeks with no troubles.
7.61 is still the most reliable OS, but not as pretty or feature filled as >8.
Both 8.0 and 8.1 are real dogs. Bug city.
They correct much of this in 8.5, and then introduce a couple new bugs in 8.6. (such as freezing up for reasons that Apple cannot even explain.). 9.0 seems to cure this, but it is still a bit early to tell.
Overall, seemes pretty stabile (famous last words).


California C.A.N. operator.

SameShot, Different day