Mac 10, any good?


New member
I have seen some new full auto mac 10's going for 900 bucks each. I've wanted one (actually 2) ever since the "Evan" episode of Miami Vice. I've never shot one, though, and want to know if they are any good. Are they reliable, accurate, etc? Is 900 a good price, and if so how good?

I know about the licensing, and have fired full auto before. I also am not quite as concerned about the defensive or tactical aspects, as much as for pure fun. Any advice?
For pure fun, the Mac10 is hard to beat. One of the fastest cyclic rates in town. I went to a rental range in Nevada, and shot a bunch of auto's, and i think the Thompson (Tommy gun) in .45 is the most fun, and secondly would be the Uzzi, and then the Mac11 (smaller 9mm version of mac 10). Way fun to shoot. Id personally rank it about an M16 in fun factor.
$900 sounds like a great price from what ive herd. Most good condition M11's are going for 1500 or so now, and have steadily been going up in price lately. Its the current class three bargin out there, andthere are many parts for it, but mags are somewhat costly...but there are lots of conversion type thing for it too shood greese gun mags,- its a good buy id say. Get it, and love it.
The higher cyclic rate has an application

in bodyguard work or hostage rescue. High volume of fire is desirable in these situations as one wants to put the maximum number of bullets into the target in the shortest amount of time possible. The Mac falls into this category and serves well in it when equipped with a suppressor.
It depends

Who made the gun? For an good condition original Military Armament Corporation M10 that's a great price in either 45 acp or 9mm. For RPB or RPB/MAC is a good price. For a Cobray is ok. There are others made by Jersey Arms or other companies, but they don't seem to hold the value that well.

Stay away from the ones that use plastic mags. The mags wear out quickly and the supply is getting worst.

Don't worry too much about how the exterior looks, just make sure the interinal is in good shape. Some sear has been worn out so badly that the gun won't stop until the mag is empty - every dangerous condition! Replacement parts are still easily available.

If the dealer has a matching-serial-number suppressor, buy it by any means - it's the most valuable (aka expensive) combination of any MAC's.

Be prepare to buy ammos in bulk :) Personally I have a RBP M11 in 380, and I rarely shoot it for both value and finacial reasons :) It has the fastest rate of any model. I got the brief case and suppressor for the gun, too. I always draw a crowd of people at the range everytime I shoot it from inside the brief case.

Many modifications can be done to make them shoot "accurately", but who cares when it's time to "rock'n roll"!!!
An original Powder Springs Georgia 10 was my first Class III selective fire. When I bought it (1976 or so), I had the luxury of being allocated 1000 rounds per month for "Proficiency Training". It was, undoubtedly, the most "fun" gun I've ever owned. I had to sell it when I went overseas (couldn't see paying to store it in a safe deposit box).

FWIW, the M3 mags work perfectly with just a touch of filing.

It taught me the true meaning of "Why waltz when you can rock 'n roll"
Not a big fan of the MAC. They're cool looking though. If I'm dropping that much money on transfer fees and ammo, I'd save the extra dough and buy a pre-86 MP5k. Buy the folding stock, run some +P+ wit the right locking piece, and you'll see high cyclic rate alright. Whatever you do, have fun.
Just to clarify....

Typically, NFA weapons with the designation "pre-86" are weapons imported into the US after the 1968 GCA took effect. These cannot be transferred to individuals - only Special Occupational Tax holders, police agencies, and government agencies.

I'm sure that Son of HK meant a licensed, fully transferable MP-5 manufactured before 1986 when the FOPA was passed restricting civilian ownership to current MG inventories only.

The reason I mention this : designated Pre-86 NFA weapons are usually much cheaper to buy than fully transferable models - commercially, the fully transferable models have more value than a model that can only be owned by SOTs, police, and govt.

Fully transferable MP-5s, depending on configuration, currently run $7k+; Pre-86 samples $4k+; Post-86 samples $1.5k+ (post '86 samples cannot be kept by SOT holders once their SOT status expires).

I bought my Powder Springs MAC-10 back in 1986, when the Firearms Owners Protection Act was first proposed. I had always wanted a full auto weapon, but never got off of my butt and made the effort. I knew it was now or never back then, so I bought my NIB early Powder Springs Mac for $400.00 plus $200.00 transfer fee. I had a machinist make a modiifed mag release, that would allow me to use unmodified Grease Gun mags which were and still are cheap and readily available. I found a great deal on a ton of 1943 steel cased GI .45acp, which my gun simply loves, its never had a malfunction with the old GI ammo. I clean my gun extremely well after shooting the old corrossive stuff and my gun still looks brand new inside and out.

I used my MAC for a couple of years on our local PD's SWAT team, as an entry weapon, back in the late 80's. I chose it over our teams much larger, .223 Styer Augs. Because of its small size, for use in entries into mobile homes, with narrow hallways. On one mission I had a guy face down on his front porch at gun point with the MAC and he looked up and said that's a MAC-10 isn't it and I said yep, just lay still and everythings gonna be ok. Since I got off of the team, I haven't shot it more than once or twice in the past ten years, but it's a keeper and I'll die owning that gun.
