MA CCW question


New member
My good friend just went to fill out all the paper to get his CCW, He headed down to the Police station in our town and got the packet, well when it asked him what permit he was applying for it, stated that the only way to get a unrestricted class A license was to be military or part of the law enforment community(CO, LEO, that type of thing). Now my town is not hot on giving Class A unrestricted to people who apply for one. My dad has one but he's a retired CO. (hoping that since he has one when I apply it'll help me get one)
My friend has no military or law enforcment ties. Now the thing that gets me is that other people I know who are just like him and live in other towns got their CCW with absolutly no hassel,
Now when I go to get my CCW next september, I want the CCW I do not want a restricted one ( I wont even put in the paper work if they won't give it to me). Its absolutly BS that MA is a may issue state. So anyone on here who has a CCW for MA, let me know how yours went and what town you go yours from and how you handled the whole process, and if you even got an unrestriced class A license
I have a Class A Large Capacity/All Lawful Purposes
No problems getting it. The firearms officer is a decent guy. Matter of fact I lost my license and he sent me another free of charge.
I live in Beverly. Other towns around here are very hard to get one. The Chief in Salem just retired. He was a real anti. I don't hold much hope for his replacement.
So shop around for a town.

I really feel for you my friend. Here in Connecticut they can't deny you a concealed carry permit as long as you don't have police record. Mass has always had to strict gun laws, I wish you good luck.
Very soon you will be able to sue if they don't issue you an unrestricted license under precedent from McDonald v. Chicago and Palmer v. DC. I highly recommend joining the Second Amendment Foundation.
Well I have time before I can get it anyways. whats the deal with moving to a new town, how long do i have to be a resident "if any one knows", because westfield is very good about giving CCW and i go to college here. I also want to live off campus in an apartment next fall, but I still live wit my parents in EL.
You think that's strict? Try getting a non-resident mass license to carry...the class, backround check, application, an essay, your $100, several months wait and then you get a yes or no. I took the MA authorized course but haven't gotten to all the paperwork yet.
Move to the live free or die's great up here. I got mine when I was still 18.
The MA Non Res license is shall issue. So if you just through their hoops, you'll get it. It's a pain, and expensive but at least you know you'll get it.

Look here for a list of various MA towns. Be advised, the map is not completely accurate:

It is completely up the the CLEOs discretion whether or not you get a license. The town I was in before escaping to NH was so-so about it. I spoke directly to the Officer in charge of the Licensing, which helped.
I hate that, so MA is shall issue if your a nonresident, but if your a resident its may issue. I didnt know that, but seriously how assinine is that. we'll give none residents more rights than the people who actually pay MA taxes and live here.

One of the reasons I was so happy to leave. I still work in MA, though. :barf:

But at least I can defend myself while there. :)
Depends on the whim- the whim, mind you- of the Chief LEO in the town/city. Influenced of course by what the mayor/town council tells him to do, which makes that right a privelege

I live in Boston, and I have my Class A Large Capacity permit. With a restriction of course: no concealed carry. Not easy to get that and it's not fast in Boston. They refuse to give me a CCW license because "I don't need it". Well heck, right now I don't need Due Process! Should they refuse to give it to me? If somebody from a town that does give CCW licenses comes to Boston, they can carry concealed. Bizarre logic. I hear its even worse in Brookline

In my opinion, giving that license on the personal decision of a civil servant is a violation of state and federal law due to the state and US constitutions being in effect interpreted by the chief of Police. In my opinion they have no authority to do this, but they are given the power to do it

That said, StiveC2007, I urge you to get your Class A anyway. It's not hurting them when you refuse to do it, so they don't get affected either way. The only one who feels negative effects is you. Later on you'll move, and I can't imagine already having an LTC hurts your efforts to getting a CCW license in the new town
Congratulations on the move. I hope your new home is a great place. Usually when this discussion turns up, there are people that say "well then move". Unfortunately, for some people, moving to another State, particularly when jobs are hard to find, is not something to be undertaken casually. Even when jobs are to be had, things like family and responsibilities to them take precedence over a desire to move to a new location at times
I moved, so can you, if you want

When I moved out of MA I had nothing. No property, job or decent prospects. I was fed up and drove to FL in my old car using my over the limit gasoline credit card. The gun issue was the last straw. I had applied for a weapons permit in MA in order to work higher end security jobs. The Boston PD denied my permit and by extension my economic opportunity. The only reason that I was denied was a rabid anti-gun policy of the police geared towards racial minorities. I looked for better employment based on my skills and interest in security work and law enforcement. It has worked out very well for me. I believe that every American has a right to pursue employment based on his skills and interests. You can move if you want to do so. You do not have to be a slave to elitist social engineering regarding firearms. Honest citizens should not live under capricious and onerous CCW laws such that exist in MA.:cool:
Usually when this discussion turns up, there are people that say "well then move". Unfortunately, for some people, moving to another State, particularly when jobs are hard to find, is not something to be undertaken casually. Even when jobs are to be had, things like family and responsibilities to them take precedence over a desire to move to a new location at times

I don't think anyone would say that picking up and moving is easy, but that is where you have to define your priorities. OK, so maybe you can't move this year, but make it a point to do it as soon as you can. I think we are all hopeful that 2A rights will be applied across the board, but even if the McDonald ruling goes our way it will be years before we see things change, and there will still be states that are more restrictive on CCW than others. I'm not saying moving is an easy decision to make, but I'll tell you one thing: I'd still rather live in IN than MA even if the USSC rams 2A down MA's throat, because this state is gun friendly. You can't change culture overnight, and I won't trade my RKBA for anything.