Hey Twoguns!
I bought an M-44 about 1 1/2 years ago. It arrived with the thickest, nastiest coat of cosmoline you'll ever see. Yes, it looks like road tar. Here is what I do with my rifles when they come in. This worked GREAT on my M-44:
1. Go to Menards, Wal-Mart, etc. and buy a wallpaper tray. It's a plastic pan that looks like a car's valve cover.
2. Completely disassemble your M-44. Fill the wallpaper tray with camp fuel (the white-gas "Coleman" kind, although generic works just as well). Drop all your metal parts in the camp fuel. Wait a few minutes and the cosmoline will just wipe off. Have a washcloth and an old toothbrush on hand to wipe/scrub the cosmoline off.
3. Remove the parts from the tray. They will dry VERY quickly. Wipe your metal parts down with a coat of good gun oil.
4. For really greasy stocks, dip the stocks in the tray as well. Warning, though, this may change the hue of the wood some. If it does change the hue of the wood or discolor it slightly, apply boiled linseed oil (no, you don't actually boid it, that's just what it's called) to the wood. That's the most common and most accepted method of "refinishing" military wood stocks while keeping them "authentic."
There you have it! The camp fuel is GREAT for getting that caked on, "road tar" cosmoline off the old Ruskies!