M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW)


I've read a few posts in various websites of people asking if the M249 SAW is a good platform. This may become a more tossed about question now that FN has announced the release of a semi-automatic version for civilians.
Having shot them and worked with armorer's in the machine gun rental business (and these things take a beating, in terms of rounds per day, in that environment compared to the military), the weak link in that system seems to be the charging handle.
The OEM charge handle is prone to breakage and bending and it remains to be seen if the semi-auto version will use the same charge handle.
But for those that own the full auto version and operators in the spec-ops community and our front line soldiers there is a solution.
There is a billet machined and heat treated charge handle out there.

Check it out at www.swiftdm.com

I hope the semi-auto version is as good as the full-auto because they are so much fun to shoot.
For those that haven't had the opportunity to experience it, try a Vegas vacation where there are numerous ranges to rent and shoot a full auto.
I sincerely hope the semi auto version is MUCH better than the full auto. About 1 in 5 SAWs I fired in the military were able to make it through an entire belt of ammo without having a malfunction. If you get a good one it's a great weapon, I can hit silhouettes out to 800m very consistently with irons (a hit meaning at least one round impacting the target in a 3-5 round burst). If you get a lemon just get ready to do a LOT of immediate and remedial action (pull, push, engage etc.)