M1A competition shooting


I am seruiously considering competition M1A shooting and would like advice on how to start. I am currently a shooter and have the necessary background, but I would like to some advice on preparing myself physically and mentally on my own.

I have replied to you in an email, and post this on the off chance that some here might be interested.

In terms of competition with the service rifle I really believe you ought to start with the CMP Service Rifle matches and NRA Conventional High Power Rifle matches.

As you know the matches are fired at 200, 300 and 600 yards or at some reduced range ( all at 100, or 200 or at 200 and 300).

Three positions are shot, off hand, esentially an unsupported standing position,
sitting, and prone.

The Sitting Rapid fire starts in the standing position. After a command to load the targets are raised and the shooter sits down and shoots two and eight rounds.

The 300 rapid is standing to prone. Same deal, shooters rise to a standing position, load, and when the targets appear lay down and shoot 2 rounds reload and shoot 8 rounds.

(In an NRA aggregate 800 these and the off hand strings are repeated for a total of 60 shots. In a CMP National Match Course you only get one 10 round chance at each of these three, for thirty rounds going to prone slow fire.)

Prone slowfire is shoot at 600 yards or on extremely demanding reduced sized targets at closer ranges. Twenty shots for record are fired. The time allowed is one minute per for a total of 20 minutes.

In NRA competition usually 2 sighters are allowed at each stage.

In CMP Excellence in Competition Matches NO sighters are allowed.

Many here will probably jump in at this point to tell us that this competition is unrealistic. That the heavy jackets and spotting scopes and such are all foppery and this whole round target game is foolishness.

These guys will tell you that real men don't shoot at known distances, as that is too easy! That being able to stack up a bunch of "X"s does not a "real" shooter make.

That targets do not expose themselves in combat for you to shoot ten times in 50 or 60 seconds.

All of these things are true. Just as these criticisms apply to NRA/CMP Service Pistol.

I place a high value on being able to shoot precisely. Then one begins to speed up to combat speeds. It is my opinion that you will not go wrong learning to perform the skills in these two sports.

Will this make you an effective combat rifleman, in and of itself. Probably not, but it will give you the requisite marksmanship skills to be able to capitalize on the "real world" training; multiple targets, short time constraints, unknown distances, etc.

My advice for all you hotshots, who want to really learn to shoot is to borrow a rifle and jacket and shoot a few of these.

I will make a standing offer here to anyone who cares to avail themselves of it.

Bring 88 rounds of good commericial ammunition to any Quantico, Fort Meade, orBridgeville match that I attend, and I will lend you my equipment. You will have to pay your own entry fee. I would prefer that you bring molykoted stuff to shot. Factory only, I will shoot MY handloads, you shoot factory.

Email me if you are interested.

This offer is open to all who can get to a high power match that I will be at. Email me and I will tell you where I will be.

I challenge other highpower shooters, bullseye pistol shooters, USPSA/IDPA, tactical rifle, subgun, etc, all competitors to join me in this endeavor. Lets get some new shooters in the water and help them swim!

Respectfully, humbly and eagerly I await the responses of all under whose eyes this may fall!

Ni ellegimit carborundum esse!

Yours In Marksmanship

If you haven't bought an M14 type rifle yet, I suggest you do a search and find some of my postings in the rifle section. Some Springfield Armory M1As have defective receivers.

4V50 Gary