M16 in water


New member
Hello everyone,

I have a question about M16 rifles' operation in water.

Yesterday I've been told that the M16 rifles /propably the m16a2/ does not work underwater, and that it jams if it gets into water. I reallized I don't know if it's true or not. So I thought I'll seek professional help :)

Thanks in advance,
Many guns cannot fire underwater due to the excess pressure caused by water in the barrel.

If the water is obstructing free movement of the bullet, it may cause pressure to peak. This is because under normal conditions the bullet would have already left the barrel, and thus released pressure from the barrel.

One should also note that before conducting any under-water shooting, there are certain precautions that must be taken to protect your vital organs from the shock wave the round will create.

That's pretty much all I know about shooting under-water. Hope it helps.
Are you talking about firing under water, or dunking it, then firing?

I saw something on Mythbusters that showed that an M1 has an effective range of about 8 feet underwater and anything with a larger barrel like a shotgun may blow due to the higher amount of water displacing air in the barrel.

As far as dunking a rifle, then firing, I don't know.
If you dunk, then fire you need to make sure there isn't any water the barrel. It would also be smart to field strip a gun to get all the water out, but in an emergency, that's not an option.
I seem to recall hearing somewhere as long as you closed the crap trap and covered the end of the barrel with a condom, you could submerge it underwater, but I don't think I'd want to try to shoot it underwater. Where did I see that!?...Please tell me it wasn't G.I. Jane...
From that same "Mythbusters" episode I would guess that it would fire, but not cycle. Of course the round may fragment as soon as it leaves the barrel, so it may not do much good anyway...

As for a wet AR fired in air, I don't see how that would be a problem except you may loose some lube in the immersion.
But if you really want to go SCUBA-fishing with a rifle one of these would do the trick...
Firing an AR15 underwater?

Some guy tried that a year or two ago and later posted pics of his destroyed Bushmaster on AR15.com
What they used to teach

If your M16 got submerged, then point the barrel down, and pull the charging handle back a couple of inches. This breaks the "seal" and lets the water run out of the barrel. Release the handle, (reseating the round in the chamber) and the weapon is ready to fire.

What they told us was that water in the bore was dangerous is it filled (plugged) the bore. Opening the chamber is like taking your finger of the end of the straw, and the water will run out. Water in the barrel (but not plugging it) was not a concern during firing. they said.

Firing underwater was a definate No-No! Destroy your weapon, and damage you!
well, certain pistols can be fired (and will cycle) underwater, like a glock, but only if its got the maritime spring cups, and ONLY with JHP/ball ammo. And you'd better have your head ABOVE the water when you fire, or you'll likely be deaf the rest of your life, not to mention possibly die from ruptured eardrums.

As mentioned above, to summarize:

1. fire an AR underwater, with condom on then end of barrel, first shot ==> will fire, will not blow up, will probably not cycle
2. fire an AR underwater, with condom on the end of the barrel, subsequent shots (since condom is now broken and water is in the barrel) ==> bore obstruction; will fire, but WILL ALSO blow up; cycling becomes moot at that point.
3. fire underwater, no condom, same result as 2 (obviously).
4. dunk then fire, with condom on end ==> will fire repeatedly, no problems, mate.
5. dunk then fire, without condom, without doing the water-clearing procedure described by 44 amp (tilt forward and break seal with partial pull) ==> bore obstruction; will fire; but WILL ALSO blow up; cycling moot point.
6. dunk then fire, without condom, AFTER doing the water clearing drill ==> will fire repeatedly, no problems, mate.

So generally, no, this is to be avoided. Water bad. Well, as mentioned, a little water/moisture in the barrel is no problem. But enough to obstruct the bore completely is where you have problems. And as with pistols, if you're head is under there, that is very bad mojo.

I refuse to address the outcomes if dunking other items besides the rifle, after placing condom on other items besides the rifle. ok, dumb attempt at humor....
I don't think that firing underwater is something that occurs frequently. However, firing immediately from submersion can happen. Falling into a stream or river during night ops comes to mind. The weapon dropping into a puddle during jungle ops has also happened. :)
Maybe if you are into acting like Rambo or some Ninja Russian special forces that tumble, scream "Ho!", and smash vodka bottles on their heads while hunting in the forest :D or are part of a seal team. (or a cook on a battleship) But I think they mean to intentionally shoot underwater for :confused: what practical purpose? Water usually contains mud, salt, crud, weeds, bugs, and other rust causing agents .