M14 / M1A spare bolt and headspace


New member
I've read in some places that it's advantageous to have a spare bolt, among other things, for M14 / M1A's. Scott Duff recommends this, as well as having this spare bolt fit the headspacing of the individual rifle.

My question is how is this feat accomplished? More specifically, what needs to be done on the bolt to make the headspace match the existing rifle? Would this involve filing the lip of the bolt face in some fashion, or maybe the cam on the inner side of the bolt?


Echo3mike, I would ask Scott how he does it. Except with the British Enfields altering the bolt to headspace correctly is going in the wrong direction. I'm certainly not an expert on these rifles but it may be that there is a simple way to do it. George
1. Get, or get access, to a whole bunch of bolts.

2. Find one that gives the right headspace.

It's simple.
