M14, head spacing, pulling the bolt


New member
Regarding the Federal Ordinance M14, at a glance is it possible to tell if it built with Chineese parts or USGI.

When removing the bolt for striping, in a nut shell, whats the drill?

Im fairly sure the bolt tool for my M1 wont be good for the m14 bolt though it looks like the design is similiar at the bolt face.

Basically I want to check headspacing using the GO, NOGO and Field head spacing gages which Ive ordered from Brownells and should arrive today, How acurately will I be able to tell if I do the check without stripping down the bolt. I know I should be doing this with the bolt disassemble but if Im very gentle with closing the bolt will I be able to tell if the Field gage has "gone". If this is the "sensation", that the bolt is fully closed then the head spacing is excessive? The same with the "go" gage, can I gently bring the bolt closed and sense that it is in battery and again when I use the "NOGO" should I sense the bolt is not in battery?

No can do without stripping the bolt. The ejector spring and extractor gripping the unit will destroy your ability to feel the tool doing its job.

The only real differences between the M1 and M14 bolts are the length, the roller vs. cam, and the shorter firing pin. Extractor and ejector and disassembly are the same. Your M1 combo tool will work.

You can break down the bolt in the rifle--the combo tool's other end sorta goes into the chamber. Push the bolt into it and crank it over to remove the extractor. Remove it and its spring, then pull out the ejector. The firing pin may or may not fall out into the trigger group.

Disengage the op rod from the bolt, and work the rod over so it's behind the bolt. Now you can manually open and close the bolt without the op rod messing things up. Check your headspace and give us the results.

Or, you can remove the bolt from the receiver and dismount it by hand. I find that more clumsy than doing it in the rifle.
Hi, guys,

If the gage has a hole for the ejector, you can do a headspace check without stripping the bolt. If you do strip it, as Cheapo says, the M1 tools will work. But take the rifle out of the stock before using the M10 rod handle. I did it once and the firing pin came out and dropped down and somehow kept the trigger guard from opening. I had a heck of a time getting things straight.

Thanks for the quick respponse

Field stripped it last night and disassembled the bolt rather than have any doubt. It actually took longer to decide than it did to just do it.
If Im interpreting it right I would say the headspacing is between 1.6330 and 1.6340. With the go in place the bolt rotated to battery there is no fore and aft motion of the bolt. ( there is about .006 fore and aft with the chamber empty). With the no-go in place the bolt would only rotate about half way up the reciever lug. With the feild gage in place the bolt would just begin to rotate but nothing near battery so I guess its all in order.
Took it out back and ran a few rounds through it and the cases looked fine and the acuraccy was about 1.5"+ at a hundred.
The rear sight has me a little puzzeled though. when I rotate the the Left right knob my peep sight goes up and down. I'll have to putz with it a little and see whats up.
All in all considering Fed. Ord. reputation for junkers maybe I got lucky. time will tell I guess. I didnt see any indication of chineese parts in it.
Funny though I read an article recently implying the cmp may start to use the chineese imports as replacement parts for the lottery guns. I wonder what that means.
Thanks ya'll
Sounds like the headspace is OK. I think the report that CMP may sell Chinese guns or parts is nonsense.

Wish I could remember where I read that. I guess we'll just watch and see what surfaces. Interesting comment about the firing Line going away. What an unfortunate thing that would be. In my opinion it has been probably the best website ive come accross for the shooter. More nonesence lets hope. time and effortsby the authors have been unparalleled and my thanks to everyone for helping to make this such a great sight.