m10 snub


ran across a like new model 10 snub for $250. Action is tight and cyl. gap tight! What do you think. Good price? Original blue.
:rolleyes: have to add, I didn't buy it. I was really looking for a 5 shot snub. I hate finding something when I am low on cash. But I hate to pass up a one of a kind find.
I have a 10-5 snub made in early 60's and it so beautifully made and dogone accurate that for a house gun my wife left all j frames as she hits 50% better with less felt recoil. A person with asnub is VERY hard to disarm ! ;)
Buy it! It's a low risk investment. If you try it and don't like it you can sell it.
Too many people buy orphans and lose money. Just stay mainstream and calculate the amount of your risk. In this case the risk is bugger all.
I'm fortunate enough to still have excellent Model 10s in my area for $175 and under. I suspect in 5 years they will be hard to find below $250. The top gun below was $179. The bottom gun was $159. In other places, where 4 inch guns are going for $250 now, $250 for a snubbie Model 10 is a steal.

Having said that, if I saw a 2 inch Model 10 shooter for $250, that I could do Jim March's Checkout on to insure quality, my wallet would be smoking out of my pocket. I've been looking for a 2 inch Model 10 for about two and a half years. I do have to say that at the moment, $250 would be my limit though.
Model 10s are awesome guns. I have a nickeled 2" that is a pleasure to shoot and carry. For $250, you get a rock-solid firearm that is as reliable as a hammer. I'd jump on it in a second.

:rolleyes: I think I am going to try to dig up some cash and go and look again. It's not like I couldn't resell it If I didn't like it.