M1 Full auto

Hi. Im thinking of buying an M1 Carbine and i was wondering if it is possible to modify it to select fire, like the M2. Maybe links to blueprints of M1/M2. Any help is appreciated. :)
First post and right to the illegal stuff; woo-hoo! This one probably won't last long...

Look kid, if you want a full-auto M2 carbine do it legally and pony up the $5k+ for a real transferable. Otherwise, make sure you stock up on cigarettes and KY jelly. Its been illegal to make a machinegun since May 1986, but you can buy one that was made and registered with BATFE/NFA Branch prior to then.
US law does not consern me, because i am in Norway. And i cant buy an M2 because it was never imported. the only M i can hope for is the old M1 for the 2ww parachute drops. And info about M1 is very limited, because there are oficcially very few of them here but still every second house has one in the attic, barn, etc.
And it cant be that illegal because people like this: www.butokukai.com sells books about it and i dont wanna buy one because its gonna cost 400 bucks to get it to my mailbox.
Again: I would appriciate any help?
btw whats atf? anti terror force? Sounds like a bad TV show.
Sorry about that, i just checked prices 23.95 + Toll and stuff.
Thanks to the speech about US law and stuff. Ill give you right in one thing: that was the only reason i joined the forum so you wont be seeing more of this "kid".
ruger...dont get upset,here in the US,ownership of FA items is strictly enforced...by none other than the ATFE.the prices for one here is astronomical compared to what they cost for a semiauto version and the paperwork to get one along with all the checks,fingerprinting ect..let alone if you can find one....is huge.I have seen such books but speaking of "how to" is a good way to end up in legal trouble...big time...at least here in the US.

as far as the m2 from experience...the m2 doesnt impress me as a smg.they have a standard usgi 15 shot mag..and a 30 shot mag developed late in the war, the 30 rounder was known to have problems plus,finding original gi 30 rounders is like finding hens teeth anyhow. In the FA mode, it seemed like more time was spent reloading it and hitting the ground 6 foot away than anything else.for a semi,not bad,decent accuracy but remember..its a pistol cartridge,not a rifle cartridge....limited to the mag capacity.
Thanks for the tips. I just wanted a nice gun for recreational purposes, and if select fire is possible i would probably just use semi, full wastes ammo. The reason that i chose the M1 in the first place is because its either that or a sten mk2. And thats not exactly a safe weapon. I heard about a soldier that managed too shoot 3 guys in front of him because it just went off, burning the whole clip.

To be charged of a crime based on a bookbuy here in Norway would be like winning a lottery. Citizen Rights, Privacy and similar. :)

If you're in Norway, I apologize, but I didn't recall seeing your location indicated when you first posted; did you just add that? I find it odd I would notice it was your first post, but not notice your location (as it is directly above the post count).

Nevertheless, as GDM has pointed out it is illegal here in the US, most of the people who frequent this site are in the US, and a quick read of the rules and a few posts would have easily shown you that posts like you made get locked. In fact, I'm pretty sure most of the locked posts in this forum are first posts by junior users asking virtually the same question - "how do I convert my gun to a machinegun". Your post had all the markings of a troll.
No harm, no foul

RugerGP100357, many members on this board are very sensitive about anything that smacks of illegality, and TFL IS, in fact, based in the USA. Many of our members, accustomed to the rather restrictive firearms laws throughout most of Europe, are surprised to learn that there are several other countries more tolerant of fully automatic firearms and sound suppressors than the USA. Please don't be offended at the caution exercised by our membership. As moderator of TFL's Full Auto forum, I am especially cautious about postings which might seem as if we're advocating violation of US laws, and I apologize for the misunderstanding. We certainly do not intend to restrict your legal activiies in your own country.

As your goal is to obtain a fun shooting full auto arm, I would wonder if you might not be able to acquire an original ThomPson Submachine Gun fairly easily. I understand that both the US and Great Britian sent a great many TSMGs there during WWII, and few, if any, were repatriated afterward. For that matter, I understand the Germans left quite a few MP40s and the like in the northland. I would imagine that both 9x19mm and 0.45" ACP ammunition are plentiful and far less expensive than .30 USC ammo. I understand your worry about the safety issue with the Sten series.

Most of the pistol caliber SMGs are fun guns, and are far more controlable than the M2 carbine. This is a subjective judgement, but still informed - - I shot my '28 TSMG in some five matches in the past year, competing against a couple of MP40s, and we shoot each others' guns quite a bit.
btw whats atf? anti terror force? Sounds like a bad TV show.
:D I must smile at this question - - ATF is short for BATFE, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, the federal agency charged with enforcing taxation restrictions on those items. They have become very powerful in recent years, and are sometimes scornfully referred to as "F-Troop," after an old television comedy show. (Many say there are similarities. :rolleyes: )
I'm sorry we could not furnish you with the exact information you requested. I hope you'll continue to post on TFL. Please let us know the results of your quest.

I have to admit that FA is not exactly legal in Norway either, but here in the farmlands not many care to call police if the guy next door is shooting FA, at least not around where i live. most just laugh.:) I saw two guys on the news that was caught shooting FA. They were both police officers (hehe) shooting with old amnesty guns

I'll check on that tommygun, but i've never heard about any nearby. Maybe put an AD in the local newspaper : "Thompson SMG wanted call my home number #####":D

Ill continue writing and ill tell you when ive got something. Thanks for all tips!
I don't have the foggiest what you are saying(:D ) (and I don't think RugerGP100357 does either)
