M1 Carbine wont feed Soft Point ammp


My WW2 era M1 Carbine shoots nice groups, and is pretty accurate except it shoots high and right. I want to get it so that is accepts soft point ammo and is correctly zeroed.

I bought A LOT of PP soft point round nose .30 carbine ammo only to find that it wont feed into . FMJ ammo feeds well however.

I thought the culprit was the feed ramp so I polished it up nice and buffed out some dings so that it shines nice and seems very smooth, however, when I try to chamber the PPU SP RN ammo, it still doesn't chamber and upon removal of the round there is a gouge in the bottom of the bullet's lead tip where it is getting hung up.

All my mags are GI issue and the feed problems seem to happen with them all.

Can anyone suggest a solution?


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There is a chamfer at the chamber mouth. The angle between the chamber mouth and the chamfer may be too sharp. I would suggest smoothing it out with fine sand paper. Just the lower quarter of the chamber mouth should suffice.

Perhaps use one of the low cost Korean mags. They are good mags that work well in my CMP GI carbine. Experiment with a slight adjustment of the feed lips.
My CMP Inland feeds every soft point load I have tried.
Hornady has a new Critical Defense FTX for the carbine. I have bought a box to try, but have not shot any yet. However, the bullet profile is very similar to FMJ. I have a feeling it will feed great.
"There is a chamfer at the chamber mouth. The angle between the chamber mouth and the chamfer may be too sharp. I would suggest smoothing it out with fine sand paper. Just the lower quarter of the chamber mouth should suffice."

I tried this. I did the lower 1/3 of the chamber mouth. It was a little tricky, but I am very happy to say that the round nose soft point ammo now seems to feed reliably.

I will take it to the range Jan 2 to test further.

Thank you for the good suggestion.
Are you using 30rd mags? My Carbine has never met a 15-rounder it didn't like, but I find 30-rounders to be less reliable. In my experience they either work or they don't, as opposed to mostly working, some of the time.
I haven't tried it but it seems like I read about fine tuning the feed lips as amd6547 mentioned. The idea is to have the round sitting a little higher when the bolt slams it forward so it is closer to the same level as the chamber mouth. Seems to make sense and I think I would rather mess around with (and possibly ruin) a mag rather than the feed ramp. Mess that up and you've got a big problem. Funny side note, the range I shoot at doesn't allow FMJ on the rifle range but has no such restriction on the pistol range and you can shoot any rifle on the pistol range that is also a pistol caliber. There a couple of pistols that shoot .30 carbine so its legal. Only goes to 25 yards but I can't see much farther tan that any way.
fine tuning the feed lips as amd6547 mentioned.

I gave this a shot and it seemed as if two of the mag lips were bent inward, so I pried them outwards some but after some testing, it seems as if my failure to feeds are restricted to these two magazines. The other 6 seem to work fine. I have set these two problem magazines aside for now.
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just an update on this thread. After some very minor mods with a dremel, the M1 Carbine shoots PPY .30 softnose just great.

I wanted to shoot the .30 softnose in case I ever had to use the carbine as a backup survival/hunting rifle.

Its a fun rifle to shoot, mine is a "mixmaster" with parts from all over although the barrel is Underwood and the receiver is National Postal meter. The rifle was rebuilt/refurbished after WW2 and after Korea, and after Vietnam, all 3 times at the Augusta GA Arsenal, and then sent to Italy for use by the police and then refurbished there at the Fabbrica Armi de Terni, in 1976 and then it came back through CMP and now I own it.