m1 carbine short barrel

Are you trying to do a SBR, or converting a rifle to a pistol w/o doing a form 1?

Changing a rifle to a pistol, can't happen.

Doing a SBR with a pistol grip. Nothing that I know of in FL law cares what the configuration of a SBR is.
Not without prior ATF approval, and a $200 tax stamp. You would be making a short barreled rifle-even if the overall length is more than 26 inches.

M-1 carbine pistols were made by Iver Johnson, Plainfield, and Universal. They were manufactured as pistols and are perfectly legal as such.
Laws aside, it is not a good idea to cut down an M1/M2 carbine barrel; if cut too far back, and the pressure drops too soon, the gun may not operate.

Would you be legal if you cut an m1 carbine barrel short of sixteen inches and used a pistol grip stock?

I'll leave the legal aspect to others, but

If you butcher a USGI M1 Carbine there is a good chance you'll be struck by lightning, you aint shooting next to me.
At one time I was issued by my agency an M1 Carbine with the barrel cut to the end of the stock, and the front sight remounted. It was the only "long" gun that would fit in our OV-1 aircraft, as long as we had the GI folding stocks. Anything else would have killed me if I had to eject (This was decades before the M4 guns). The guns worked just fine.

Legally, there are two parts to the law regarding length:
1. Overall length must be greater than 26"
2. Barrel must be greater than 16" (18" for shotgun)

Cut the barrel of any rifle shorter than 16" will get you 10 years as a guest of Uncle Sam, unless you buy the $200 tax stamp in advance.