M1 Carbine Anyone?

Dr. Mauser

New member
I want to get a WWII issued (or dated) M1 Carbine, I've looked on gunbroker, but the sellers there rarely list the dates of the rifle. I'm looking for a cheap one, doesnt have to be in "Out of the box" shape. I just want something relic looking to add to my WWII collection...and I want it to fire.
Go to CMP website. Guns are dated on barrels, but barrels are often replacements. Therefore you might have to estimate date from serial numbers, and in any case most carbines are a mix of parts so the year is almost irrelevent. If you want one that is fully WW2 configuration, and at least theoretically matched maker parts, prepare to spend alot of money. And you can assume many if not most of them are restored to that form of condition, not exactly as they came from the factory. Ones that are were probably "procured" in duffle bags, etc. versus legit purchase in the confusion of the wartime. Who could keep track of all 6 mil. carbines?
Again, check on the CMP website:


I just picked up 2 Carbines, 1 of which is an Inland with an Inland barrel dated 1-45. I shot it yesterday and it shot a 1.5 inch group at 50 yards off a bench but not off a rest.

The CMP is faily generous on what it accepts to qualify to buy weapons and ammo. Look closely at affiliated organizations. Geeze, a hunter's safety course which has actual firing qualifies you for the marksmanship training and experience and then you just need to join the Garand collectors club (on their site) for $25.
So what all do I have to do to qualify to buy from CMP? Just let me know what I have to do and I'll do it, their prices are outstanding
Try reading the CMP website. It describes in detail the requirements.
It doesnt happen overnight, they are way backed up. If you are impatient or dont want to take the time to meet the requirements then CMP isnt for you
To say it's not going to happen overnight is a tremendous understatement. I ordered the week of the election and it showed up sometime in January, I believe. That was before the AWB fear mongering and speculation really had a chance to kick in, too.
The wait was worth it, though. You can still find .30 carbine S&B ammo pretty reliably and cheap. Getting into the network of folks who collect and trade carbine parts is fun, too. Chances are, if you're wanting to "restore" your carbine, someone has the parts you want and you have the parts someone else wants.

The vast majority of the CMP carbines, though, went through the arsenal and have bayonet bands and post-war sites that are staked.
+1 for the CMP, got both my Springfield M1 and Inland M1 Carbine there. Buy ALL my surplus ammo there...

The BHO/ammo scare really lengthened ship time though. I ordered M2 ball & .30 carbine late Feb and didn't get it until mid-June. :eek:

Prior to the election meltdown their shipping times were closer to 2 to 6 weeks depending on seasonal rushes or the variety of their offerings.
