M&P BG380 (Bodyguard)


New member
I've been through several small, pocket sized 380's but never really gave the Bodyguard much though. Found one with no laser or thumb safety at a great price and decided to give one a try. It seems the internet is full of bad reviews on this particular pistol but my experience was very positive.

The fit and finish on this little pistol is pretty dang good. Compared to some other 380's in this class, this gun seems solidly built and has a good over-all finish. I like the town down on this one as well. I like it much better than popping out the pin on my LCP.

The trigger seems to get a lot of bad press and I can understand why. It's pretty long and definitely heavier than most. It took me a few mags to figure out how to stack it right before the break. After shooting it for a bit, accurate shots became very easy. Even rapid fire at 5-7 yards became comfortable for me. But I must admit that my LCP Gen 2 has a much better trigger pull and travel. In other words, it's fair to see people not liking this trigger. I guess it's an acquired taste.

The reliability on my particular sample was excellent. I shot some aluminum cased ammo and some defensive rounds through it and did not have the first hiccup. In total, I fired about 150 rounds which takes a while with the two 6-round mags included. I will admit that it does wear your hand out much quicker than larger guns but it wasn't enough to deter my shooting outing. It seemed to have less recoil than my LCP Gen 2.

A few other miscellaneous notes to add......
Another complaint online that I kept seeing was with the mags dropping free unintentionally. It seems that the older models had polymer mag release buttons which wore out over time and caused the mags to drop. My particular BG380 has a metal mag release button and worked perfectly.

I also saw concern over S&W using MIM barrels but I don't think mine has a MIM barrel. I do not see any lines or marks that would indicate the barrel was MIM. It may very well be, but it doesn't seem that way. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

All-in-all, I really like this gun. If I get another 150-200 trouble free rounds out of this gun, it will become my pocket carry of choice. I won't be selling off my LCP anytime soon, but I'm happy with the first outing of my BG380. Safe shooting to all!!
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I had one for a while. Trigger is manageable with practice. I never really shot it and eventually just got a small 9mm and accepted the extra size in exchange for a much more shootable option for me.

I never had any malfunction in my Bodyguard though.
Yeah, I really like mine so far. I'll be able to shoot it some more this weekend and can't wait. The trigger is the biggest obstacle for me and one that I can handle with training. If all you've ever shot has been striker fired weapons, you will not like this trigger at first.

Another thing I really like is the firing pin block. It's another passive safety feature that makes it safe for pocket carry. I am very comfortable carrying this model with no safety in my pocket.......in a holster, of course.
I like small handguns. There, I said it. I like snub nose revolvers and tiny semi-automatics. I like 38 and I like 380. I have snub nosed revolvers from Colt and Smith and Charter Arms and Taurus. And I love the new true slim pocketable 380s. So far four of the little 380s have followed me home; the Remington RM380, Ruger LCP, Beretta Pico and Smith & Wesson M&P BG380. All are the most current versions as of the end of 2018.

I first looked at the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 about three or four years ago and really, really hated it. It was a bear to takedown or reassemble, had maybe the worst trigger I've ever found on a handgun, much less a Smith, found it picky about what ammo it liked and just not fun at all. It had failures to feed, light strikes, failure to eject, twice I had a mag drop out. Fortunately it was also not my gun and I could simply thank my friend for letting me try it and walk away. Only later I learned that he too had lots of problems with the gun and eventually just returned it and traded for something else.

But I did like the looks and the feel in hand and it's pointability and size and pocketability so when I saw a new one for sale without the silly laser and at a really good price I decided to give it another try. And I'm really glad I did.

I ended up with the FDE finish no-laser Smith & Wesson Military&Police Bodyguard 380. That just may be the longest name ever assigned to this small a handgun.

So what about the things I disliked about the earlier version.

First, the take down. This version is almost as easy as the Beretta Pico and far easier than the Ruger LCP or Remington Where's Waldo system. I lock the slide back and use the base of a spent shell to rotate the take down lever one rotation Deosil and just about when I turn into the new hour it starts out and from that point just lifts out. The reassembly is as easy, lock slide back, start pin in and keep turing and in one rotation it pops back into place. The only issue is to remember to start with the barrel fully extended.

Trigger. This version has a near classic Smith DA trigger, long, very smooth, crisp break. According to my Lyman trigger pull gauge it averaged 6.5 pounds over ten sample pulls.

Ammo. So far it has liked anything I feed it, ball, HP, lead... No FTEs, no FTFs, no accidentally dropped mags, no light strikes, just working.

This version has the safety and when I wear it OWB I use the safety. If it is in pocket holster I do not use the safety. The difference is simply added security related to retention. If someone were to grab it even from a retention holster having the safety would give me a second to transition to plan "B". This safety is harder to put on and easier to take off than many I've dealt with over the years and so just what I like.

The sights. No worse than many and at least drift adjustable. A set of Trijicons likely in the future.

Grip. Still really like the grip, probably like it more than any of the other three although the Pico is close.

Accuracy, almost as accurate as the Pico, more accurate than the LCP and kinda a tossup with the Remington.

In all, I'm really glad I gave the BG380 a second chance and it will certainly get far more than its fair share of walkabout.



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Great post and pics, jar. Thanks for sharing.

I currently have my BG380 in an LCP holster from Ruger. Is that bad?

What holster is that one in your pics, please?
Great post and pics, jar. Thanks for sharing.

I currently have my BG380 in an LCP holster from Ruger. Is that bad?

What holster is that one in your pics, please?
The Ruger LCP holster should be fine if a little floppy. The one in the picture above is from Beretta and I bought it for my Pico. It's a little stiffer than the Ruger one and easier to reholster. I generally use this or my Alessi P230 pocket holster for all my pocket semi-automatics.

The Sig P230 in the Alessi pocket holster:
I have the bodyguard without laser and like it a lot, makes a great drop in the pocket pistol when it is inconvenient to carry larger. I have shot quite a few boxes of ammo through it without incident and trust it will fire if ever placed in that situation.
I must admit I like my Sig P 238 and Kimber micro 380 better but I do not drop earthier in a pocket for carry, cocked and locked it’s normal condition. I bought a Ruger and later gave it away after using the Bodyguard, my Kel teck P3AT rides in the console of my Jeep in case rogue elephants or tigers attack.
I carry a Glock 42 everyday in a Raven Concealment minimalist holster. Since the G42 is a wee bit 'bigger', a joy to shoot for my bunged up RH wrist and thumb. Smaller .380 I have tried, not so much fun...over 1500 rounds and maybe 2-3 stovepipes(on me..see wrist and thumb above)...
USNRet93, I also have a 42 I can’t let go just because of how reliable it is. I just find it tad bulky for pocket carry. But the gun itself is one of the best 380’s out in my opinion.
USNRet93, I also have a 42 I can’t let go just because of how reliable it is. I just find it tad bulky for pocket carry. But the gun itself is one of the best 380’s out in my opinion.
Agree, kinda 'no such thing as a free lunch'..bigger=nice to shoot, harder to pocket, smaller=PITW(Pain In The Wrist) to shoot but into pocket. BUT G42 very reliable..shot everything from cheapo russian, ziplock gun show reman to big $ Lehigh Xtreme Defense(what I carry)and it just works.
.380 gets a bad rap(mouse gun, lady gun, blah, blah) but Xtreme Defense stuff often does better in testing than some 9mm JHP, particularly when going thru a lot of fabric, clothes..doesn't clog up. Yes, Yes, I know, 'testing' but can't find anybody who will let me shoot them in the sternum..
I have the bodyguard. Love this gun. Its one of my favorite carry guns. Hammer fired. Manual Safety. Good finish that is rust resistant. I carry this gun most of the time now as it so easily slides into my pocket with a desantis holster. I have an LCP but didn't like the lack of manual safety and the finish is one of the worst I have ever seen on a gun.

I also have a 42 I can’t let go just because of how reliable it is. I just find it tad bulky for pocket carry.

Yes the G42 is too big for pocket carry. I tried and its a no go by far.
I'm surprised and impressed that a late-2018 version of the BG380 has a 6.5# trigger on it! I sold my older BG over two years ago because of the offal ;) trigger. I am still searching for a non-striker .380 since I don't have the money for a SIG P230 or 232. I thought I had finally found the perfect little pistol in the Beretta Pico - but the owner of the (only, for me) LGS said they were a POS and to stay away from them. Anyways - just for clarification, jar - did you make any modifications to your BG380 trigger or did it come from the factory that way? Since it appears that it came from the factory that way - do you know what changes they made? Thanks!

Edited to add: I'm not saying the Pico is junk - just quoting what a very knowledgeable and pretty decent business owner said.
I'm surprised and impressed that a late-2018 version of the BG380 has a 6.5# trigger on it! I sold my older BG over two years ago because of the offal ;) trigger. I am still searching for a non-striker .380 since I don't have the money for a SIG P230 or 232. I thought I had finally found the perfect little pistol in the Beretta Pico - but the owner of the (only, for me) LGS said they were a POS and to stay away from them. Anyways - just for clarification, jar - did you make any modifications to your BG380 trigger or did it come from the factory that way? Since it appears that it came from the factory that way - do you know what changes they made? Thanks!

Edited to add: I'm not saying the Pico is junk - just quoting what a very knowledgeable and pretty decent business owner said.
Your pretty knowledgeable and decent business owner is talking utter nonsense when it comes to the Pico. It has an even better trigger pull than the BG; smoother, shorter and with a quicker reset. The take down of the Pico is even easier than on the new BG. The magazines are all stainless including the follower and mag springs are stiffer. The Pico has an ambidextrous mag release and far better sights that are held in place with set screws instead of being drift adjustable. The actual pistol can be removed from the frame in less than a minute so ALL parts are easier to get to.

Initially the slide on the Pico was a bear but it has loosened up and now racking even with a full magazine is a piece of cake, certainly easier than with the modern BG.

I did a comparison review of the Pico and my LCP not too long ago over on Beretta Forum. If you want take a look at that.

And no, the only thing I've done to the Pico is clean and shoot and then clean and shoot again and then ...

I will likely do a side by side with the Bodyguard, Pico, LCP and Remington RM380 pretty soon and if you remind me I'll include the Sig 230 just for reference and size comparison. I'll freely admit that it is a better defensive gun than the others BUT, and it's a major consideration, it is bigger, heavier and harder to conceal. Of those, the Sig is DA/SA, the LCP a strange kinda not really double action while the Pico, RM380 and M&P BG380 are true DAO actions.
I don't own a Bodyguard, and probably never will. But I've worked on other S&W pistols for people, and not too long ago one of them asked me to see what I could do with a Bodyguard he had "inherited."

This person had purchased a replacement trigger kit (from memory, Galloway). I installed that and did a fair amount of polishing some internal parts. (The raceways in the chassis were quite roughly "finished" as it had come the factory.) The result was a 4-ish pound trigger break, with minimal creep, and complete elimination of a light strike problem that had plagued the pistol.

Now, I'd never recommend a Bodyguard as a self defense pistol. It is, in my opinion, just too small to be comfortable in the hand, a problem likely to be exacerbated if you ever had to use the pistol under real life stress. But if someone is in love with the Bodyguard, my point is that with reasonable expense and effort, the out-of-the-box issues with the Bodyguard can be largely cured.