M-lok or key mod


New member
M-lok or key mod, which is in vogue at the moment? Which is better?
My next build is in the wish pipeline when I get an the extra $$
I bought keymod cause at the time I could get the accessories cheaper.
But the tide is turning and that's not really the case anymore.

From a design standpoint I think m-lok is superior.. although there doesn't seem to be any problem with keymod I suspect it's on it's way out of favor.

5 years from now it'll probably be m-lok domination although Im sure you'll still be able to get keymod stuff.

I'd vote for mlok if you're starting from scratch.
But when it came to stress testing the two systems, M-LOK rifles could be dropped on the ground and 100% of the time, the attachments would stay securely fastened to the gun. For KeyMod, however, the success rate was a measly 33%.
I don't have details on what exactly they did in that test, but the numbers are certainly significant. There have certainly been tests in the past that seemed designed to favor one product over a nother. Many casual users seem to prefer the keymod system for ease of assembly.
Since keymod is open source there is no real guarantee it is all the same. If a company makes parts out of spec they can still sell them.
With Magpul controlling M-lok with free licensing if a company releases hand-guards out of spec Magpul has some enforcement ability.
Thx everyone
My needs are pretty simple just want to mount a flash light, an sling mount, fore grip, and sights. That’s it
And it MUST stay put, whatever I drop it on, hit on etc
Are there other options as well?
Since keymod is open source there is no real guarantee it is all the same. If a company makes parts out of spec they can still sell them.
With Magpul controlling M-lok with free licensing if a company releases hand-guards out of spec Magpul has some enforcement ability.

Magpul may control M-lok a little more but since there is not depth standard it is harder to attach things.
Ever since those test results mentioned earlier were released, M-Lok became the winning choice. Keymod is still popular, but M-Lok will dominate in the long run. I'd say go with M-Lok.

Are there other options as well?
You could do the ol' picatinny rail, which I'm no longer a fan of. Too much weight added. Some companies have their own proprietary stuff, but I would avoid that at all costs.
Apparently M-Lok is stronger... but I have had no issue with KeyMod. Perhaps if SHTF and I find myself exfiling from vehicles and dropping my rifles a lot I'll regret the choice, but I already have a lot of Keymod accessories :)
I prefer KeyMod, and really wish M-Lok hadn't been introduced. It killed a lot of KeyMod products.
But MagPul drives the modern market, which means M-Lok will win. (Pretty much already has.)

So... "Future-proofing?" Go M-Lok.
Don't care as long as you can get it this year? Look at options for both systems and get what works best for you.

Arguments about strength when smashing a rifle into a concrete floor? Totally worthless to me. I don't chip concrete or drive tent stakes with my ARs.
Who gives a rip what’s “in vogue” get the one you like best. They’re plenty of folks still rockin quad rails. Still folks with your basic forends. It doesn’t matter.
Keymod is easier to use than Mlok, not that Mlok is hard, it's just more fiddly.

Mlok is much stronger of a mounting system.

The military will be using Mlok going forward.

Keymod would be stronger, if it didn't have the bevel for the nut, and the slots were spaced a little farther apart.

Keymod is strong enough for most civilians though... The military needs the extra strength of the Mlok system, as the rifles will get beat around a great deal over their lives.
“Who gives a rip what’s “in vogue”

It matters because the one most used will be most supported, cost will go down, and what is not goes the way of Betamax and HD dvds