M/L Techniques


New member
I seldom question/inquire into anyone's personal M/L-Techniques and when I do, it's for learning and sharing purposes. I may not agree as we all have our own. I do challenge and when I do, it's private and usually related to a "safety" issue. One example is the use of "Spit"-Patches. I don't do it but won't fault anyone for doing so. ..... ;)

I saw a video of a fellow, demonstrating his "Technique" on loading a TC-Patriot pistol. He was shooting a spit-patched round ball, loose powder and placed a Styrofoam Cut-wad, on top of the powder. I have done the same, when shooting Conicals and insted of using Styrofoam, I use a Bore-Botton or what some call; Wonder-Wads. I suspect it's for the same reason; To improve accuracy. Can anyone confirm or explain the possible advantages? .... :confused:

Feel free to share any of "your" personal "Techniques" with us. .... ;)

I thank you andl;
Be Safe !!!
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wads & spit

I've posted several times concerning the use of over powder wads while working up loads for my traditional sidehammer percussion rifles. Both of these rifles are T/C .50's, and the over powder wad, (cut with Harbor Freight punch from heavy cardboard box sides, and li9ghtly massaged with bore butter,) provided great results with the Lee 320 gr REAL bullet. Prior using the card wad, neither rifle shot the REALs very well at all. T/C Maxiballs were my first choice as huntinig projectile, and were loaded with just powder and bullet. That arrangement shot "OK" and has resulted in taking of several whitetails, but performance with the REAL and a wad have been exceptional and REAL groups are far tighter than the simple bullet and powder load of my early days. I have not shot a .50 Maxi with a card wad. Limited shooting of my dainty .32 CVA and a 105 gr self cast Maxi ( cute little things) card wad are inconclusive, I cannot seem to get a tiny .32 card wad to go down the bore "square".

Conferring with a pal PBPCR shooter of some note, I was advised that he used over powder cardboard wads in his long range BPCR match loads, and that the purpose of the wad was to protect the base of the bullet from extreme deformation from powder gases upon firing. There must be some magic combo of enough energy allowing sufficient obturation to grab the rifling and seal the bore, yet still protect the base of the bullet to keep it square and aid accuracy. What reading I have done on overpowder card wads seems to indicate that many folks see a noted increase in accuracy when using an overpowder wad and a flat based conical.

Styrofoam? I'd want to inspect a styrofoam wad closely if recovered after a shot, as I'd fear it would melt in the bore and cause a problem with fouling.

Spit patches....sure I've done it, ....some.... hasn't everybody? But it is not a practice with me. I;ve heard said the practice was not recommended as a saliva soaked patch, if not shot immediately, and allowed to remain for "X" period of time, could cause corrosion. I'd think that would have to be like overnight, but I suppose it could happen. I'd think that any patch lube from crisco to commercial, would do a better job of protecting the patch, cleaning the bore during seating, and reducing fouling on the next shot.
If I were going to load a Spit patched ball and was worried about the spit affecting the powderand I'm assuming spit as the wet stuff in my mouth right , ... (I was told to keep my powder dry) ... a thin styrofoam wad between powder and spit would do the trick and would be cheap and easy to make .

But I must confess ... I tend to look for the easy , simple answers ...
Should I be overthinking someting ...
Powder - styrofoam wad - Spit , keeps powder dry ?
Where is the advantage ??

As previously stated, I only use a Wads/Buttons, on top of the powder when I shoot Conicals and that would include sabots. It does improve the accuacy especialy on my hunting shot string. I have never had the need and at this time, do not see an advantage to use on a PRB. .... ;)

Spit patches....sure I've done it, ....some.... hasn't everybody?
I have never used a spit-patch even during my "Buckskinner" days as I have always thought it was not consistant and that's important. I have always believed that a RB is very forgiven but it does have it's limits. :confused:
I also believe that using a spit patch, should have little or no effect on BP or equal. .... :)

Now, the fellow using a Styrofoam button/card, in the video, punches them out of empty egg cartons and doubt that you could find much of them, after the shot. Does this wad protect the powder, ball or what ????
I have tried spit patches and they do work. I do question the use of Styrofoam. The powder will burn it up before it leaves the bore leaving behind God knows what. I have used wads cut from papier machet in revolvers but I don't use a wad of any kind in a rifle. I lube my patches with olive oil and cut them at the muzzle.