M/D Enterprises Holsters


Has anyone had experience with these holsters, they seem very nice and are reasonably priced. These are not the MDT Kydex holsters. Thanks.

Mike E.
Yes, I had Mark make me a SOB holster for my HK compact some time last year. His service is great, his products are great. He took the time to make the holster just how I wanted it, and when I got it I was VERY happy with it. I have some kydex holsters and they are ok, but there is nothing like a good leather holster. Mark makes great leather holsters. I would recomend them to all of my friends, and I plan to buy more from him in the future.


Mouse Assassins inc.
I ordered a BS-2 for my SIG 228 & and a pocket holdster for my Tomcat from Mark THG. Got 'em a couple weeks ago. The fit, finish, and workmanship are all first rate, the BS-2 is comfortable to wear and it really tucks the SIG in so that it's quite discrete under a suitcoat or heavy jacket. The pocket holster works well, too, but I think I'd ask for heavier leather next time, as the foot/hook could be a bit stiffer for my tastes. I took advantage of his webpage 'specials' on the BS-2/belt/mag carrier to try him out, and I'm very happy I did. I think Mark provides a quality product at a very fair price. M2
Mark from M/D enterprises makes a really nice holster, and his customer service is first rate. He is a regular poster on another gun board and through the info he gave about types of leather and holster design really won me over to try him out. I have a BS-2 for a Taurus snubbie and it is just beautiful. It is a very compact and holds the gun close and securely. I went with the Cordovan color and it is absolutely beautiful. He took a lot of time answering questions that I had. He also made a Sure Fire carrier that is on my hip as I write this. You won't be sorry if you go with one of Mark's holsters. Chris
I have 4 holsters from Mark and 2 more on order. He does first rate work at a reasonable price. He sells a holster that I designed called the YCS which is the finest IWB holster made, IMHO. Check out his web site. www.gunandgold.com
Gee Thank's guys. I tend to lurk on this board more than post. I'll always try to answer questions as honestly as possible and never try to sell you something you don't need. I have another URL (customholsters.com)
I really don't know how to thank you guys enough. ....Mark THG

M/D ENTERPRISES Custom Concealment Holsters
One thing to be keenly aware of is that internet marketing is a doubleedge sword. A satisfied customer will help pass the word. A disatisfied customer will rarley let you know. usually the first thing you find is that you are getting flamed all over the net. We "Internet " shooters are a moderatly small group. many of the people who frequent the BBS's (is that right) post on multiple boards. I don't think any of us who have a business commitment to the internet can really afford not to take the best care possible of our customers. My business philosophy is " If you like my products tell others. If you have a problem tell me" ....Mark THG

M/D ENTERPRISES Custom Concealment Holsters
I just got a BS-2 for my Glock 30. The craftmanship that goes into the leather really shows. All the outline of the Glock can be seen on the outside of the holster. The BS-2 hugs the gun very snuggly and keeps the weapon up close to the body and high. The muzzle is just a little lower than the belt. I'd recommend this holster to anyone looking for a concealed carry holster. And the customer service is excellent!!!
There's an old saying that goes, "A happy customer wil tell 3-4 people, an unhappy one will tell a dozen". The paradox in this is that they rarely tell the person who is most likely to be able to help them - that is the person they bought from.

Maybe its human nature. In some cases, people don't want to be confrontational (usually no need to be, just be adult), other times they didn't understand what they were buying and don't want to look foolish or admit they didn't know what they were doing (this is going to be a bigger problem as we do more e-commerce, i.e. because you can't examine the goods except on screen and online catalogs can be less than fully informative). Sometimes things just don't meet your expectations (nobody's fault). Reputable merchants understand all this and will work with a customer to insure satisfaction.

In the spirit of fair play, if something isn't right (for whatever reason), you ought to allow the other party an opportunity to make it right. If they won't work with you, then you have a legitimate reason to take your business elsewhere.

Sorry for the lecture, and to make a long story longer, the reason I bought from Mark was the great word-of-mouth on that 'other' board and the amount of time Mark spends answering questions and educating the marketplace (without pandering for business). Ya gotta like a guy who invests in his customers.

Marketing 101: In order to manage expectations, it is essential to help create them.
Mike, Your 200% right. If people have a problem they should go the source. I'll do everything possible to correct the situation. there have been plenty of times I've had to lose money on someone in order to satisfy the customer. That's just a part of doing business. There are on the other hand people who request custom work or exotics that make a lot of money for me. That helps to offset the losses. ......Mark THG

M/D ENTERPRISES Custom Concealment Holsters