M-44 piece of missing wood...


Staff In Memoriam
A friend showed his to me and I immediately notes two barrel bands out near muzzle under side folding bayonet... There was a groove in the wood forestock and no wood under bands on top of barrel...

So i looked at google images and it appears there is a piece of wood missing. I am guessing this wood was fore hand to hand use to protect the hand from a hot barrel...

My buddy thought they might be retainers for a cleaning rod or something...

If it isw missing wood, can I buy just that piece easily?

this is the handguard. not necessarily for hand to hand combat use but all military arms of the era used them, at least partially. some only extend half the length of the barrel or so but most run the entire length to the bayonet lug. I don't see that it would be too difficult to find a replacement though you would more than likely have to buy a complete stock set just to get the handguard.