m 200 marlin


New member
i got a m200 marlin brake open and dont shoot it much because the kick is to much is there a way to reduce the kick so its more fun to shoot.
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Assuming this is a 12 gauge, get the new light loads.

The difference between 7/8 oz and 1 1/8 oz at the target usually isn't crucial. But, all else equal, the 7/8 oz has roughly 25% less kick.

A good pad,even a slip on will also help.

Adding weight will also help, but that counters the great portability of thses singles.

its a 12 i was shooting 2/3.4 and by the fith shot you are done this gun weights at the max 4 pounds.
The NEF/H&R single here weighs 5 lbs, 9 oz. Yours probably is close to that.

A 10 year old boy has it on loan. He shoots it with some 3/4 oz handloads I made for him. He does OK with it so far, and better later I'm sure.

Back when I started,my first shots were from a 16 gauge single that killed in front and crippled behind. The very first accessory I bought was a pad.

Get a good pad, light loads and work on your form. Lean well into it and keep the gun really pulled into the shoulder....