lyman super moly bullet lube


New member

Ive started casting my own bullets a few weeks ago. For lubing i use a lyman 4500 and super moly bullet lube, heres the problem, the lyman hp says " it flows through lube sizers without heat" but thats just not the case for me. Without heating it, the lube is way to hard and i can barely move the wrench, i broke one lyman4500 because i used too much force to push the lube into the fat grooves of my 38 bullets, now i have a new one and i dont wanna destroy it so i heat the lube gently with a hair dryer. But even if its just a little warm, the supermoly flows way to strong and goes under the bullets all the time!
What am i doing wrong? this stuff is supposed to work without heating!!
I started out with the 4500 and the super moly , didn't have the hardening prob and didn't heat it, but was getting lots of lube under the base of the bullet.

Found out you really don't need to crank the screw for every bullet, give it a turn and run several bullets through until one comes out with some blank spots in the lube grooves then give the screw just enough not to push it under the next bullets base.

22 calibers I can run 6-7 through ,38's 45's 3-4, 45 caliber rifle 1-2, before I crank the screw and still have clean bases.

I run some real soft and gooey home made lube,it's softer than the moly @ room temp 70*.

But I also have the heater if I'm going to use Red Rooster or real hard lube for gas checked 30 cal rifle.

Another thing , some of the bullets drop just a tad smaller than the sizer die or out of round and that can cause extra lube to go where is isn't needed.
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The depth adjustment is kinda touchy sometimes on the Lyman sizers , try adjusting the bullet up a little at the time .

Also some casters use lead shot to close the lower holes in the die.