Luvox and where did Harris get it??


New member
CN reports that traces of LUVOX have been found in Harris.
After reading this and the warnings about its' use, I just wonder, where did Harris get this crap?
Can a school phycologist prescribe this $hit?
Who was monitoring the result of the administration of this crap?
And they blame guns for what happened, Jesus H. Christ! How many kids in school today have this crap pumped into them! Where is Walt when you need his expert opinion! What do you want to bet this is downplayed to the max.
Had my son ever gone goofy enough to need this sort of medication, I'd have been watching him like a hawk on a quail! And had he gone into the "trenchcoat" sort of thing, I'd have structured his world so that it was an open book. (Well, I kept a close eye on my son, but politely and quietly, and he always seemed quite normal. Nowhere near as much of a trouble-maker as I had been.) There would have been no way he could have built bombs or acquired guns/ammo _at home_.

I always tried to have some feel of what sort of people his friends were, and their families...

Damfino. But then, millions of folks ignored Kruschev when be promised to bury us...

Apparently the world of education and medicine is full of folks who are suffering from delusions of adult competency...

Later, Disgusted
In the interests of balanced assessments of a drug's risks, I would direct you to go to a PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) and read up on the possible side effects of aspirin and Tylenol. Read the possible side effects of vitamins. I do not know if psychologists can prescribe medications in Colorado. However, as a nurse who practices in both psychiatric and emergency settings, I have been appalled at the nonchalance with which many psychiatric medicines are prescribed. The medical assessments are usually quite cursory.

To repeat, there is NO medication on the market that does not have possibly SEVERE adverse reactions for some people.
While I agree with Spartacus' warning regarding the grains of salt required when observing adverse side effects, I always wonder what the actual circumstances, and percentages are. Almost anything can have an adverse reaction, and I've said for a while now that if you shove enough of anything up a rat's @ss, it'll get cancer. Unfortunately, many of these "studies" look at specific groups, require specific qualifications for inclusion of data, or simply don't stand up to true scientific scrutiny. Then again, there's the pharmacutical industry that keeps pushing new and barely-tested medications through the three ring circus known as the FDA, using invalid or outdated testing criteria.

That being said, there was an interesting article in WorldNet Daily last week regarding the overmedication of children as a form of chemical babysitter, and the oblivious attitudes of the medical and pharmacutical industry when these "societal canaries" falls off his perch.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Spartacus: Yes, I am aware of the possible side effects of over the counter meds as well as prescription drugs. I know you are closer to the subject than myself, I remember some of your first posts on another( forum, and was struck by your frank been there, seen that no BS approach. I followed many links concerning LUVOX, and it's cousins, into discussion forums such as these, older style BBS based forums and the like. One recurring theme among all posters: They felt OK for a time, but the stuff wore off and they felt worse than before. This applied to the users as well as the kids, one as young as 18 months old, that they pumped this **** into. My wife works in the MRDD/Developmentaly Disabled field, her brother suffered from hyperactivity as a child(Yes true hypertension, not just a kid acting,,well like an excited kid,,) and I gain a lot of info regarding meds and the abusive manner in which they are thrown out to unsuspecting people from her, on a first hand basis. I know, it isn't anywhere near the same as working day-in with it. The whole subject is just another contradiction kids today face. Turn in drug users,even if they are relatives, but make sure you take your meds! Practice safe sex and abstinece, but be sure to giggle about the pres and his good times!Do your best, but be sure you cheer your mediocer(sp) team in the NBA playoffs.


I don't like the idea of using any of the psychoactive drugs on anyone for any reason. The only possible justification I see at our current levels of knowledge of brain chemistry and psychiatric disorders is one of desperation, i.e, what other hope is there?

The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnosis concerns me very, very much. If you read the diagnostic criteria for this "disorder" you will quickly realize that most unruly and energetic boys can be diagnosed as such and then placed on medicines with which we have very little knowledge of the long term effects. What are the results of growing to adulthood with a daily dose of ritalin for a total of up to 15 or 16 years during the critical growth and personality development years? One thing is for damn sure-we are going to know the answer in a few more years. I also wonder how many of these boys and girls will be denied firearms ownership because of mental disability?
There was a story the other day on the news about a shortage of school nurses in our local schools(Twin Cities). They said one of the biggest jobs they do is dole out medications. There was kids with asthma and some disabled kids that needed attention, but they said the majority of the medications given out are for kids with supposed ADD.
I think it is sad that instead of parents and schools taking responsibility to control these kids we have drugged an entire generation.