lunch time treat


New member
Went to Bills Bar B Que for lunch, its on 24th and Ames in Omaha a rough area. I get the 4 orders (folks love that stuff) and place the bags in the passenger seat. Walk around the front of the truck and a young guy dressed kinda wierd in very heavy coats and such. He says to me. "First off I want to tell you I mean you no harm" then told me he was broke and needed some money. I told him no way I dont have any cash, well then he says how about a cigg? I dont smoke so its yer bad day isntit? He stepped back and looked surprised I talked to him or something, kept looking over my shoulder as if he had a friend.

Got in the truck and drove back to work. Just another day in the big city :)

I love the look in his eyes when I stood up and was 3 times his size :)
That's great it all ended well. Just don't get too confident I'n your size and think it'll always work out I'n your favor. I short crazy person with a knife can work wonders on someones stomach and bring them down pretty quick. I like to state whatever i plan on saying but be ready for anything. No matter 7 foot tall or 4 feet even. Over confidence can be a very bad thing
What I take from this little story is that perhaps someone, a total stranger, got into your personal space and you let it happen. It is a good way to get knifed, robbed, or who knows what.

Situational awareness is the key to survival and I never let anyone violate my personal space. If they attempt to, I have no problem requesting, politely at first, if they wouldn't mind just giving me a little more breathing room. If they do not get the request, I become a little stronger in my wording. I'm 6'2" and tip the scales at 225 lbs. I do know that I am no match for a guy with a knife that is in my face so why put myself in that position?

I live in an affluent area where street beggers are at every stop light. It amazes me that the police allow this but the fact of the matter is it does exist. Even in my car, when I drive with the windows down, I always request the beggers to keep their distance. The very last thing I want to do is have to pull my gun because I allowed someone to enter my personal space thinking he has evil intentions.
As the economy continues to worsen, sadly, we will see more and more people who feel the need, real or not, to ask total strangers for help. I always try and keep them from entering my personal space and try not to turn my back on anyone as I move away. Like .45gunner we now have panhandlers at most major intersections and freeway on off ramps here in my part of NC. For being the most aggressive, are the ones collecting for one of the local church's feed the hungry program.
I grew up I'n the heart of Houston, lived there until I married then moved to a one horse town. I know what the city is like and always wanted to live I'n the country. Now here everyone knows everyone or everyone talks to everyone. I lived here for twenty years now and love it. When i do go to the city i still talk to strangers but yes always be on guard.
Good old Crescent, Iowa in the Loess Hills Bluffs, do they still snow ski there?

My two brothers live in Omaha, and the area you mention, Dodge Street North from the river to 42nd street or so is no place to be. Lot of good people living there, mostly poor, but a lot of bad people there also.

No matter how good the food, it is a moot point if it is your last meal.

"I love the look in his eyes when I stood up and was 3 times his size!" Quote by MarkJ

There is an old saying "God created Man, but Samuel Colt made them Equal!"

I am only 5'6" and I have had a lot of buddies who were big, generally laid back and really decent guys as they had nothing to prove, it is the little guys who are mad about being little that are generally mad at the world and wanting to prove themselves, just a generalization and there are always exceptions to the rule.

Hand to hand combat is a useful skill where being a big guy is a benefit, but that is only after the guns are empty, and being big just makes you a bigger target.
Just don't get too confident I'n your size

I do have a few abilities and have been stabbed once in my neck. I was also shot once.

Used to live down here and work at the fort so this place is a must for me.

Yep I let him get close, within arms reach, its my plan. Former bouncer in a very tough bar in south omaha.

My point was not everyone that confronts you is out to get you and I thought his first words were very funny.

I do have a permit to carry :) it does include my automatic knives.
thanx for the story markj+you did good.

farmerboy is right too...just like that video of the lady that got run over at the drivethru because she wouldn't give the guy a "coffin nail"(cancer stick) and was rightfully rude or that walmart guy recently killed by homeless guy over his remarks when he was asked for to just say you use a creditcard

I saw a guy get ballistic at someone in the middle of the street at south beach miami; you know, the homeless and/or crackhead, half in the bag white guy late 30's type.

I thought that dude was a real a$%, complaining he only was given a nickel. it was pure comedy listening to this guy in the middle of the street

we had 5-6hrs layover between flights(I did it on purpose) - too bad marlins were playing that night and not during the day
I really don't want to come across as critical, but did you really say, "I dont smoke so its yer bad day isn't it?"

The way it's written, it comes across as smart-ass, but it's hard to convey tone in writing. I wasn't there so I may be wrong. Seems it was an opportunity to simply say, "Sorry, I don't smoke." I'm always wary of saying anything that can come across as rude for fear it will turn into a worse situation and I just don't have the time to deal with confrontations - verbal or physical. Plus, I normally believe one should just get a job but in the current economic climate it's particularly hard.

Glad you came out of it safely.
such a shame that you didn't kick his butt.

Why would I do that? all he wanted was some booze money and or a smoke.

I really don't want to come across as critical, but did you really say, "I dont smoke so its yer bad day isn't it?"

I didnt say it in a mean way but kinda like I wish Icould help ya but Idont smoke thing.

I speak to folks like I want to be spoken too, honesty and openly.Not all cocky and rude. If I had a bucket of cash I would have given him some but I dont carry cash as I use my debit card and no ciggs in the truck.

Been eating there for over 30 years now, most folks go in there are there for the food, its that good.

The first thing he said is still funny IMHO.