Luigi Franchi Imperial Montecarlo Extra


I am Portuguese and a loving one of shotgun Luigi Franchi and have a SxS, the 1951, cal 12, fine model - Imperial Montecarlo Extra.

I have come to try (without success) to find a catalogue of years 40/50, where some of these models with photos and its characteristics consist techniques. I do not obtain to find nor a catalogue nor one any book that has some history edited on these shotguns.

Somebody in the forum can help me?
I am a coleccionador of fine guns of hunting ( and others) and have an Imperial Monte Carlo Extra of 1951 muy pretty and valuable.

For each shotgun of the colection taste to have the respective one I catalogue, books with the history of the mark and others with photos of the some manufactured models, its caracteristicas techniques...

In some marks I have these documents (Lebeau Courally, Aug. Francotte, Purdey, H&H, Ideal, Browning, Beretta, Charles Daly, V. Sarasqueta.....), but I do not obtain to get of the Franchi, situation that leaves me very admired, therefore it was and it is a mark with the great history and has weapons of great quality.

I do not understand... the Ideal and the V. Sarasqueta whose it manufactures already had closed has many years, still catalogues of its shotgun and its history are obtained.

Already I asked for á mark Beretta and they do not have this catalogue nor indicate any book that has its history? I am in several forums, Espanholes, Italians, English, Americans... and also I do not obtain nothing? also I tried next to encyclopedias of armis/shotguns/escupetas/fusils... and nothing? already I tried tiendas web of collecionadores... and nothing?

It had hope that in this forum shotgun to this bought in years 40/50 would go to obtain somebody could have one and that had also one catalogues of this time that me could authorize a copy... to vender... or to give to me to tracks I to obtain to get this documentation... go to continue to try and who knows! perhaps it finds this "soul" lost that help me - I have hope...

If somebody in the forum to be able to help me I am very grateful.

I have others two things that also I search has much time without success... that they are shields of anagrams of Victor Sarasqueta and Luigi Franchi to place in respective maletins of leather. Of the V. Sarasqueta already I asked for to the current owner of the mark, Armas Parkemy, and am has wait of a reply for briefing. Of Luigi Franchi also I do not obtain... is a disillusion... and I have penalty that so sanctioned mark it so fast loses its roots and references.

Thank you and I am has wait of a surprise of the members of this forum
I am sorry, Luis, but the Franchi double barrelled shotguns have never been popular in the USA. I have never seen one. Only a picture in the Stoeger Shooter's Bible catalog.