Lucky us ?

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The Klu Klux Klan has opened shop in Sydney !

That's one import we could've done without...groan

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Probably more hype than anything. A few years ago someone around here handed out flyers saying there was a Klan meeting. All the tv crews and reporters turn up to this field, goverment ant-discrimination people complain a lot, and no one turns up. Someone was just having a joke. I heard them say ther were 70 members in Australia, wow big deal. I don't think they will amount to much here.
Just some of One Nation's more loony members with a few sheets.
One Nation attracted the loonies now they might head over to the Klan.
I heard the bloke said he wants to live with his race, well that's dumb, Anglo Saxons aren't a pure white race, they are mixed with most of europe, I cringe when I here about the "white race". All those Klan and white supremecist blokes have a big inferiority complex.
Now if they think they are tough, let them walk through Bankstown or Chullora with their sheets. They wouldn't last 5 seconds.

FREE Gun and Hunting Ezine at
RA, I'd pay money to see that "little walk" happen !...LOL :)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Don't get me started on the klan. Them jerks dare to stand under my beloved "Stars and Bars" while preaching their garbage!
tell'um 'Fox!!!
If i'm gonna hate somebody, i damn sure don't need a bunch of sheet heads(i almost made a funny) tellin' me who to hate and why!!!
And why they have to use the flag my ancestors fought under in the war for Southern Independence, i'll never know. it would seem that they would use the nazi flag.
after all that was what hitler wanted, a pure race!!!
fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 02, 1999).]
Longhair you did make a funny, that was pretty good...sheet heads.
I also hate to see them use the stars and bars that way. My ancestors also fought that war, although they called it the "the war of southern rebellion". ;)

Can't we all just get along?

land of the free and the home of the brave......WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT
Years ago, a songwriter buddy of mine did a talking-blues song, part of which I remember:

Join the Klan, join the Klan;
It's a new and easy way
to be a ma-haa-han;
Whadda ya say, join the KKK!

I'm a fat, old southern sheriff,
and my wife says I'm impotent;
and I've got to where I just don't give a damn;
Cuz I feel so high and mighty,
in my pointed hat and nightie;
I'm so glad I got the chance to join the Klan!


Did you ever notice the hoods are form-fitting?

Ta, ta...
Live down here in Mississippi, Sheet heads from out of state came to my county seat and everyone ignored them "as far as I know" must have been a bummer for the sheet heads!"
A stunt which is pulled here every now and then with Skinhead neo-nazi types is to take them to the 'hood and release them from custody there. They get to walk home and prove to the locals how tough they really are. Funny how timidity replaces all that racial hatred and anger.

Naturally, we don't want violence and will follow from a couple of blocks away. We don't want anybody killed, do we? Bad for statistics.

In the fight for our rights, liberties and freedom, we're all in it together! Lest we forget, there were many blacks who fought for the cause of liberty in 1776.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Yep...big cartoon in our paper by Emmerson to-day with Pauline Hanson with KKK blood on her hand -wiping them Lady Macbeth style. It doesnt take the antis long does it? They smear and character assassinate, never cogently argue without emotive appeals. Cleverer than us eh!