Lucky Buddy this week.

One of the members of our trap range had a very very lucky day.

I have not heard a peep on the news about this and am sure the Anti Gun crowd wont print it any way.

He came home from work. As he was driving up the drive near his garage.
He heard a sound he though might be a belt or some thing coming loose in the engine compartment.

He thought he would look at it latter after dinner.

He goes in the house only to find it torn a part.
He grabs his 357 magnum he has stashed behind his refrigerator.
Goes around the corner and runs face to face with a thief. I dont know how but he got the drop on him and held him at gun point until the police arrived.

Thats all well and good, glad to catch the bad guy. But the reason I stated "I dont know how but he got the drop on him"

After the police arrived and started the investigation. It was found the perp had used a 7mm mag rifle he found in the house. He shot at the home owner from inside through the living room window. The sound he had heard while parking was the bullet entering the engine compartment and it entered the passenger compartment and missed his side by 5 inches. he never even knew it until after.


Here is the jail roster:

Its this guy down near the bottom.
Sarracco, Anthony Patrick

He is charged with:
F - COURT/PENDING - 609.582.1(b)
Burglary-1st Deg-Poss Dangerous Weapon/Explos
F - COURT/PENDING - 609.582.1(a)
Burglary-1st Deg-Dwelling-Occupied-Non-Accomp
F - COURT/PENDING - 609.222.1
Assault-2nd Degree-Dangerous Weapon
F - COURT/PENDING - 609.205.(5)
Manslaughter - 2nd Degree - Commit or Attempt

After doing quick Google on the guy. he has been in jail in every surrounding county.
Hope they keep him locked up this time.

All in all. I am glad my friend did not get shot and I am glad it ended with out him having to shoot some one. But it is best to be ready just in case. This stuff is not a game.....
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On another site I posted this on. A response actually responded with some thing that makes sense.

Wow that was a close call for your friend. Think about the outcome if the perp had already located the gun behind the frig. I have a two word recommendation for him. Concealed carry. Well ok a three word recommendation, concealed carry always.

Question for our LEO or barrister members. How is it a guy can discharge a firearm at someone and not be charged with attempted murder? Why is it only an attempted manslaughter charge?

People think we are talking out our butts when we try to tell them how bad it is getting in the country.
Its BAD!!!
Meth is a serious problem out here.
I work odd shifts so am home some days. All they do all day is drive around the back roads looking for homes people are at work.

They see a likely place, drive up and knock on the door.
If some one answers. They make up a lame excuse and move on.
It has happened at my place last spring when a contractor parked his Bob Cat and trailer in my yard over night.
9pm I get a knock with some bozo asking directions to town.

In the last year there has been 10 events with in 5 miles of me.
Go a few miles north east. Cabin country is a complete mess. Those poor people cant keep their stuff from getting broke into. I talked to one guy who's place has been broke into ten times.

Cant just say its getting bad any more. It IS bad.
Your buddy is very lucky.
I use a gun safe to hold all my firearms.
This slows down the thieves as the alarm system is notifying the the security company which notifies the police.
I realize that response by law enforcement can be slow especially in the middle of nowhere but its better than nothing.

With the widespread use of high speed internet and smart phones there are many options available to us in protecting our homes.
You can have your alarm system call your phone directly.
You can have your video surveillence system email you when any motion is detected.

For those who think that video surveillance systems are expensive, a decent one with 8 inputs and 4 cameras costs less than the price of a Glock and can save you much more.

Video surveillance is even more important in cabin country. Many insurance companies will not insure a dwelling for theft that is routinely left unattended more than 72 hours.
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Yup... I have 7 IP cameras around my place. they record motion events.
But the biggest gain is I get a email alert with a image every time there is an event.
So I will know when they have driven up my driveway.
I get lots of cats, dogs, UPS guys. And occasionally. Some one I dont know.
Usually they have seen my signs and my Obvious cameras.
I get a Email as they leave.
i forward that image to the Sheriffs office. Just in case they get other reports of a break in in the area.

So far its put just enough risk in their minds they have moved on. For now anyway.
Right now I am the Crazy guy who has the camera's all over. Too much risk.
After every one gets Camera's I will just be one of the herd again and will have to up my game.
You know they know who I am...

Looking at them right now...

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Wow! I'm glad your friend came out ok and will be able to learn from the event. I hope they put the fellow that shot at him away for a long time.
After the police arrived and started the investigation. It was found the perp had used a 7mm mag rifle he found in the house. He shot at the home owner from inside through the living room window. The sound he had heard while parking was the bullet entering the engine compartment and it entered the passenger compartment and missed his side by 5 inches. he never even knew it until after

This is why we don't leave firearms randomly stashed throughout the house.

On your person or under lock and key
Actually in this case its the stashed fire arm that saved him. The 7mm was in his gun cabinet. Old style glass door type. ( as most have them around here.)
the 357 magnum was in a holster mounted to the back side of the fridge.
Supposedly for use when answering the door, having it available.

In this instance it was used the other way. Allowed him to arm himself after entering his home.

Now if he is like me. I cant have a gun on work property even in my car.
Some nosy Ned would back stab me for sure. Nothing I have, would I have with out a job, So I risk it too.

I have a few stashed around here too. better to have a chip and a chair when you cant carry.

Now if you mean. Have all your fire arms in a safe. Other than your emergency sneak guns. Ok I am good with that.
Even then how many of us are top ten with that.
I am looking around my Computer/ Gun/ Mess catching room.
I see 7 fire arms sitting about for various reasons.
Do I remember to put them all back in the safe when I run to town???
You already know that answer.

I compensated for that by beefing up the door to this room and adding a dead bolt lock. ( after obtaining approval from my wife)
Just try putting a lock on your computer room door with out the wife's ok.
What do you think she will think your gona be doing in there????

Any way... I lock the room up when I leave.
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It has been more than 20 years ago, 1993 to be exact, but a guy I went to HS with came home to find a car parked in the driveway. This was a very long driveway out in the country with a long response time for LE. He backed up to the road blocking the driveway, called 911 from his cell and waited. The thief used a stolen revolver and somehow came through the woods and up behind my friend shooting him in the head through the rear window of his truck. He pulled the body out, moved the truck and left in his car.

The police got a description of a car they saw near the house as they arrived. The killer was pulled over and arrested about 20 miles away in the next county. He had driven nearly 50 miles from where he lived to break into this home.

As a side note, the cop who made the arrest was also a HS classmate of ours, as was the widow. And just 2 years ago they started dating and are now engaged.
I don't leave guns stashed around my house. JMO but I think there's more chance of a thief finding them than me needing them.

I live in a really small (720 SQ. feet) home so I can't get too far from my guns anyway. I keep an M&P9C either in the pocket of my hoodie (holstered) or within arm's length at home.
Oh MAN! Ain't that a bitch... somebody busts in to your house and shoots at your car as you pull up with YOUR rifle!! :eek:

Could have been so much worse. Glad the perp got away, and your friend was unharmed.
A man gets shot at with his own gun and still is able to get the drop on the criminal? Wow this crimnal was a pro.

I'm glad your friend was unharmed.

Even though my work said we cannot have a gun I find it hard these days not to put one of the little 380's in your pocket. As a shift worker I carry anyway and dont tell anyone, I would rather be alive then dead and if I'm caught then so be it. I can still go home to my family rather than them visiting my grave.
A friend of my Father's was shot and killed with his own gun found by a burglar.
I never leave weapons laying around.
When leaving the house, the gun either goes along for the ride or gets locked up.
If I didn't take it with me, it's immediately released from captivity when getting back.
It's a little more effort to do that, but there's nothing wrong with learning from someone else's mistakes.
How did your friend get the drop on the intruder?

Intruder was temporarily deafened and stunned by setting off a 7mm mag *indoors*.
Being that the perp used the guy's own gun on him, has he got it back yet, or is it still being held as evidence?