Lube question


New member
I just ordered my first handgun molds. I'm reading a lot of manuals and articles, but still have a question. Both of the molds I ordered are from Lee. One is a 125 gr. 9mm (356) round nose with a single lube groove. The other is a 38 (358) tumble lube SWC. I know I can us Alox on the 38, but can I use it on the 9mm? Do I have to use a different lube and put it on with a sizer/lube die? I was planning to go with the Lee sizer kits (mostly for cost and convenience), but why spend the money if this won't work.
Yes, Alox tumble lube will work on a standard lube groove bullet. You may not even have to size the bullets as Lee's molds often drop bullets the size you need them to be. A pair of dial calipers is really needed to measure the diameter. Tumble lube and go. Have fun and be careful.
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Thanks, Vance. Calipers I've got. And the name of the reloading game is careful, with everything. Now, if my local garage will sell their used wheel weights at a reasonable price;)