low priority M1A question


New member
Not a big deal, but an annoyance.
Springfield M1A, was feeling pretty lucky, as
for the most part the weapon fires well and doesn't exhibit any improper fittings or such. Right up until I attempted to reload
from a stripper clip. Seems the clip guide
is too small, which is to say the dogs are too shallow to accept a stripper clip.
The width is correct, but the "front to back" clearance is off.

I was thinking I could just carefully file the dogs back a bit, but thought I would ask here first.

Thanx in advance.

As a side note, Springfield gets a lot of money for this firearm, why is it they appear to not care a lot about final product?
If you are using the correct M14 clips and having problems with more than one, then I would say to cut the clip guide until the clip fits and works OK. Take it slowly. The clip should go in easy, allow easy stripping, and pop out when the bolt is closed. (Mauser or Springfield clips are not right.)

Many of the modern makers never think that clips will be used and rather ignore the clip guides.

Dog, I couldn't agree more with Jim. Anytime there is a choice between permanent alterations to a firearm or altering a magazine, stripper clip etc, always do the filing to the cheaper or the two. George
I concur with George. Modify stripper clips, not gun. If you feel you have to modify gun, call up Clint McKee at Fulton Armory and get an extra 'cartridge clip guide' for $7.95 and a 'cartridge clip guide pin' for $1.00 (his stuff should be USGI). Those prices are out of Sept. 20, 1999 Shotgun News ad. That way, you can modify the part out of the gun (easier to work on)and then install it in place of the one you got from Springfield. You can get to Fulton Armory by visiting www.fulton-armory.com or by calling 800-878-9485 (orders only) or 301-490-9485(technical/questions/help). Clint is one of the more knowledgable people I know of when it comes to M1A's. PS - Quality control is always the first to slip on any firearm, as it is the most labor intensive part of manufacturing(most expensive). That's why if you see a firearm that has 'custom' work done to it, it's so expensive because most smiths (me included) generally charge $50/hr and up for custom work.
Thanx all for the excellent replies.

I have a bunch of strippers, and none of them fit the weapon, but all of them fit the stripper guides for my mags. So I expect it is the weapon that is at fault.

At some point I may do a NM upgrade to the rear sights, at that time I'll decided whether or not to mess with it.

Strip clips make sense. I don't know why more folks don't use them.
