Louisiana passing legislation to halt lawsuit


Just read on the GlockTalk forum that the governor of LA is following Georgia's lead in trying to pass legislation prohibiting lawsuits against the gun manufacturers. Supposedly it will be retroactive to include the N.O. suit. Yeee haaaa!!!!
that's real good to hear. maybe Georgia started a trend. hope it passes in La. i also hope that the towns & cities in Arkansas has got better sense than to even start it in the first place.

fiat justitia


[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 02-11-99).]
Hopefully these cities will begin to realize the wisdom of accountibility instead of passing on responsibility to someone else.
Prosecute to the fullest those who perpetrate gun violence. I can't prosecute my neighbor for the actions of those living in my house.

"The buck stops here"...Pres. Harry Truman

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Tonight I'm sending emails to my Arizona Rep's and Senator encouraging them to push for such a bill. I'll reference both GA and LA. I encourage other members to do the same in your states.
Iowa has a law that prohibites Cities making laws stricter than the State I don't know if It covers suits or not, I'll check.
Klinton says the same thing as Truman, he just has a completely differant Meaning.
since i'm on the north border of LA. i'll try to catch their news tonite and maybe get an update for you. Unless there are some citizens of the state on the board and know already.

fiat justitia

I live in LA. and at the present time the legislature is not in session. This is a proposed bill (one of several!) that addresses this issue. The governor, Mike Foster, is very pro-gun and has come out early to endorse this legislation, which virtually assures its passage.
Also, there is no love lost between the governor and mayor Morial of N.O., so there isn't a great deal of cooperation between the two.
Governor Foster is very popular statewide, usually with an approval rating exceeding 70% and one of his first offical acts as governor was to pass LA's CCW law.

"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once"

[This message has been edited by Karanas (edited March 05, 1999).]