Louisiana Did It!


New member
We passed a law that exempts gun manufacturers from being sued ( just for making guns,not for doing other stupid stuff )
Group hug!

OK, I'm kidding. This is *excellent* news, though. Hopefully other states will follow suit.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Hey Mayor Morial!
Va fan culo....sideways!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I helped draft an earlier version of this bill. However, the current bill that passed will likely be overturned by the Louisiana Supreme Court. There is a good La. Constitutional argument that the gun bill should not apply to Morial's existing law suit. Ho, hum... :( :(
AFAIK, the current bill only restricts the state, not cities or parishes... is that correct?

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Thanks for the correction, Stoic.

A random thought: these suits are occurring in cities that are run by insanely anti-gun types, generally speaking. I wonder what would happen if the mayors of Colorado Springs or Laramie tried a stunt like this. My guess is, they'd be run out of town.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Coinneach, you are right! The Mayors of respectable places would be run out of town if they filed a lawsuit so frivilous as Mayor Morial's lawsuit. I obtained a copy and represented a minor defendant for a short time.

However, Mayor Morial's typical supporters (65%) are mostly illiterate, welfare dependent, and ironically racist urban contemporary types.

It is so bad in New Orleans, that a defendant in a lawsuit cannot realistically defend against lawsuits that are filed in New Orleans where a jury is requested.

This is the reason that all of the major class action Trial Lawyer Sponsored lawsuits are filed in New Orleans. For example, Tobacco, Breat Implants, Fen Fen, Guns, you name it.