Louisiana Carry permits


New member
I am in PA now but we are looking at going south. I was thinking FL but read of their many eco issues, one about running out of drinking water. Many other issues there so I am looking at Pineville LA

Anyone know how their gun laws are? I would certainly want to carry as I do now. I know I can read about them on their public safety website but what you can read is not always how things are.

Any first hand knowledge?
Take a peek at this website for a good deal of information concerning LA gun laws.


LA is a shall issue state for concealed carry. Requirements, such as firearms training course or military service; fingerprints; application; etc., for a permit are outlined in the "Official LSP Concealed Handgun Permit Rule Book."

LA has a low cost of living, highest car insurance rates in the country, good roads (except in southeast LA), exceptional heat and humidity, great fishing along the Gulf Coast, and friendly people. Just be watchful in New Orleans.
Thanks for the info.
The link for their page works but they must be having trouble with the others as I clicked on the link for their handbook and it did not work.

I will keep after it.


How about permit transfer from another state. I have a PA permit. Will they just transfer it or will I have to do all that stuff over again? I know here in PA they just transfer the permit.
louisiana has some of the worst roads i have ever rode on.

you have to apply for the louisiana permit, or get the florida non-rez.

the la. ccw process is fairly easy, cost $150 + notarization and fingerprinting($35ish)

unless pa laws kill your permit, la gives you 90 days to get theirs.

it took me around 2 months to get mine.

you can get your florida non-rez right now and be good when you move. thats what i did when i moved from washington.

i also frequently open carry.

also the la. castle doctrine includes your vehicle as part of your home, so you can be loaded up in your car no permit needed.

you have to remember that la. is a must declare state too.
Thanks for the info.
The link for their page works but they must be having trouble with the others as I clicked on the link for their handbook and it did not work.

I will keep after it.


How about permit transfer from another state. I have a PA permit. Will they just transfer it or will I have to do all that stuff over again? I know here in PA they just transfer the permit.

PA doesn't transfer permits. If you were to move to PA with another state's license, you apply for a LTCF outright. If you already have a PA LTCF as a resident of another state, it would still be good if you move to PA. But you'd have to renew with your new county sheriff regardless of who issued the existing license.

PA's LTCF is valid until it expires or is revoked. If you move from PA it is still good. However if you wish to renew a PA LTCF as a resident of another state you will need a license/permit from that other state before you are eligible for a PA license.
I lived in LA. for a short time back in 2004 the year before Katina hit. I crab fished with a friend of mine for a summer May-Aug and got a good taste of life in the bayou! Delacroix Island was a beautiful place but, it looks nothing like it once did.

As to the people you won't find any better, more friendlier and giving folks anywhere in our land!

I keep telling myself to move back but, things again are changing due to the oil spill and not for the good.
PA doesn't transfer permits. If you were to move to PA with another state's license, you apply for a LTCF outright. If you already have a PA LTCF as a resident of another state, it would still be good if you move to PA. But you'd have to renew with your new county sheriff regardless of who issued the existing license.

PA's LTCF is valid until it expires or is revoked. If you move from PA it is still good. However if you wish to renew a PA LTCF as a resident of another state you will need a license/permit from that other state before you are eligible for a PA license.

I guess I used the wrong word. If you move to PA and have a permit from another state all you do is fill out a small application and they call in a PICS check and your either approved or not on the spot. No fingerprinting, notarized sig's nothing. It takes 5 min. and $25 Thats it.
And a copy of your out of state permit.
I keep telling myself to move back but, things again are changing due to the oil spill and not for the good.

I know also a concern. I am 53 and soon looking at retirement. I will have to work at some type of job but we are hoping to buy a house outright so there would be no or only a small house payment.

Taxes here in PA are out of control. We are now paying 2.5K a year on a home tax appraised at 115K. They are upping them again. Food, utilities, everything is spiraling through the roof.

We are not wealthy and will not be able to live here after we retire. We decided to go now while we still have enough energy to make the move.
Besides I want warm or hot weather year round. I want to ride my Harley anytime the mood strikes me and I like the outdoors so that is where I spend most of my time.

I love drag racing and car shows, I am finishing up restoring a 1985 Ranger from the frame up. It will have a 5.0 V8 with a C4 auto tranny. It will surely be a car show entry. Nice weather is what you need. I might also drag it too.

On the work front I now do video productions and can try that there not sure if the economy would be right for it but it is worth a shot.

I would be willing to work at a hardware store or any type like that as I am a do it yourself person and I have had the blessing of many jobs in my life where I learned to do many things. I could do many things if the chance presented itself.

That is my next move to see what if any type jobs are available.
LA as a whole is a very, very gun-friendly state. New Orleans, however, can be an entirely different kettle of fish (not that the law is different, but the po po sure are).
Pineville..........typical Louisiana politics if that's what you're asking. I carry in Louisiana but Alexandria is as close as I get to Pineville. Keep it covered and stay out of New Orleans is the best advice I can give you.
A friend of mine lives just outside of Alec and he got his FL non-rez instead of getting the LA permit; he found the process to be easier.
Since you are from Pa, and may not realize what you are getting into- I will say this. La. is different from the other states in that its criminal code is based on the Napoleonic Code with its prefix of you're "guilty until proven innocent." Now they had to adapt that to our system upon becoming a state, but reluctantly.

The Legal system, unofficially, still runs that way, hence they have the highest inmate population per capita in the US*.
So bear that in mind and know that if you can be railroaded, falsely imprisoned, or framed for a crime in any state it is doubly so in La., mostly because their executive branch is so powerful, again, Napoleonic Code. I learned this at LSU when I went there for a year.

Other than that, keep your nose clean, mind your own business, and you should be all right.

I know these things to be true for I live in Natchez, Ms (about 50-55 mi from Pineville) right across the river from La and know of plenty of folks who have run afoul of La law and ended up in the La Penn. My dad, who passed away two years ago in Nov. was an attorney, that upon learning of my impending move across the river, begged me to reconsider and upon learning of the situation, I did think about it and decided to stay here. I'm glad now that I did.

Open carry is legal there but the quals for CC are among the tightest in the country whereas MS is among the loosest. To me, they seem rediculous.

I have no problem carrying there, but be doubly aware of police presence. You do have to inform if you are asked for ID.

If you have CC permit from PA it may let you carry there(La) but don't tread over here without a La one, as up until today we are not reciprocal yet with Pa.

So, have fun!

*History channel documentary.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

As long as you walk the straight and narrow, you will be fine. Definitely take the 'concealed' portion of CCW very very seriously, though. As bad as state budgets are getting, officers will cite you for just about anything, including 'disturbing the peace' by accidentally flashing a concealed weapon. I don't recommend playing open carry games either; it's technically legal but unless you are somewhere where you might reasonably need a sidearm (ie the woods, the swamp, the bayou, etc etc) you run a good chance of getting hit with (you guessed it) disturbing the peace. Basically anything little that they can fine you for, they probably will just to help out their budget situation.

If you post in the wrong forum, please do not post your thread again.

Contact a moderator and ask that your original post be moved to the proper forum.

I'm going to attempt to merge the two threads we now have and hope that they come out OK.
Thanks Mike I was not sure how to do that. I am sorry if it caused any problems. Thanks for helping with it.

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Ok then.........I first was looking at FL but saw their ECO disaster and overall exodus from the state. Their ECO of course is the oil spill but also I read they are running out of drinking water. A problem for years and now it is critical.

Then I saw Pineville since it seems centralized so with luck storms might be a little less nasty. Now I hear La is not the place to go either.

I want no winters anymore and would like less populous. I moved to PA all but 30 years ago and it was rural as rural could be. Not any longer...even the most rural is no longer that way and taxes have all but run me out.

I can't stand our state Govt. either so I guess that may be nationwide now with budget issues all over.

I just want a quiet place to finish my life and not have to take it up the *ss every time you turn around.

So if La is not a place I want to go what about MS? I see we have a MS poster. CHime in if you like.

I do not want snow, long cold winters. Would like to be able to ride my Harley year round without layers of clothing.