Lott's new study on gun storage laws


New member
Friday on C-Span I saw coverage from the American Enterprise Institute of Professor John Lott presenting his new study on the efficacy of laws which require "safe" storage of firearms in preventing accidents and suicides.

The findings of his study essentially are that the laws have minimal impact in reducing suicides and accidents, yet lead to an increase in violent crimes, including rape, murder and hot burglaries. After his presentation, two other researchers critiqued his paper, and did not find major fault.

Once again Lott shows that we were right on this issue. If you get the chance to see a rebroadcast of this, do it.
What gets me is that whenever a pro-gun researcher is given the forum to present their findings, the rest of the panel is usually stacked heavily against them. I haven't seen this particular piece, but the past few I did see followed this format. I remember flipping through C-Span a few years ago and John Lott was just then releasing his study that guns were used 2.5 million times annually in defense of self or proprerty. He was the only person on the panel with a pro-gun attitude. The rest were all stringent antis, Mr. Hechinger being the only one of the four or five that I can recall. He soundly debunked all of them, but I'm sure had that been an HCI press conference and Sara Brady or one of like ilk was the only person from their viewpoint and had been surrounded by say, Neal Knox, Larry Pratt, Gary Kleck, and just about anyone on this forum, HCI et al would be screaming bloody murder about it.

On a bit of a tangent here, when the media run a story about gun owners, don't you wonder where they get some of these folks from? You all know exactly who I'm talking about. Not the gun-owning doctor/lawyer/executive/nuclear physicist, but the guy from Bumfu** Tn. who couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground. I know it's staged that way, and I'm in no way saying that this guy has any less right to own a firearm than anyone else, but it'd be like the aforementioned Mr. Lott going up against some public high school dropout saying "Uh... Guns are, like, bad, y'know. And if you have one, you could, like, hurt other people...and stuff."

Sorry for going off on a rant. Guess I just needed to vent a little. Later all.

[This message has been edited by Christopher (edited December 12, 1999).]
Actually, Christopher, I think it was Gary Kleck who came up with the 2.5 million number.

Butte, wot doo ah no? Ime won ov thoz dern gunn oners ... yep. ;)
I believe the official term is BFE for Bum F--- Egypt.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.
No, It's me down here in BFM "Mississippi" they would put on the news. But I'm smart enough to have my own gun storage system without any of them daddummed federalies making laws about it! Like George Carlin said
"You've got your {stuff} and when you leave home, you want to take some of your {stuff} with you! Got to leave some {stuff} behind though. Lot's of firearms are stolen by crimminals every year and I have a novel idea! Why not outlaw crimminals.
Off my box,
I have a novel idea! Why not outlaw crimminals.

Can't do that. It is too difficult to get criminals to obey the law!
Keep in mind that when Lott began his original study, he fully expected to find out that concealed carry laws would not reduce crime. He was not a gun owner then, although he is now.

That goes for the rest of our "pro-gun" researchers and writers. Almost all of them started out as gun-controllers, or gunphobes. Kates and Kleck still are.

Intellectual honesty can be found here.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788
Mandatory gun lock laws are already in place in so many places. It is easy to see whether they work or not. In southern California, the Police set up booths and hand out free gun locks. Gun locks mst be sold with every gun. Last time I looked at the stats, it did not do a damn bit of good.