Lots of new members lately


New member
3012 members now on TFL. Just last month it was only2600. Good for us!

According to yesterdays
email, NRA is now the second most powerfull lobby in the Unites States of Americia, second only to the other club I belong to
to The Ammerician Association Of Retired People. Yeehaw!Do what you CAN.
ernest2 CT can opp. http://thematrix.acmecity.com/digital/237/cansite/can.html

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 18, 1999).]

Who sent you that e-mail? I find it hard to believe that the NRA has more lobbying power than AFL-CIO or the DNC ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Just wanted you to know that I have been plugging your site. Don't know if it's the cause in membership increases but I've gone to some very popular boards to do the plugging. Also got you linked on our webpage.
Free Speach? People are gonna say what they want to say, somewhere. Let's hope it remains reasonable. I'm sure you know by now that I like to stir the pot........gets the free speach juices flowing, you know?

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited November 18, 1999).]
Hmmmmm...I thought I was the only new guy.

I little about me, I know everything. I've done everything. And anything I do now, I do better than you. I like old rifles, young girls and fast cars.

I was in the 82nd Airborne for a while until I just got to dang mean for them to handle me.

I think the only difference between Republicans and Democrates is that Republicans are Socialist and Democrates are Communist.

I believe the left is intent on totally disarming us and that they will while 99% of the people posting here will watch it happen, while the other 1% try to stop it.

After it happens, a couple of old farts here will post the newspaper article about the shoot out. At the end they'll add post that they buried all there guns in the backyard.

Like it's going to do a lot of good in the backyard.

All I want to know is who the 1% that's willing to make a stand?

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
Thanks for the plugs...it probably does have something to do with the sudden jump. Just remember, Bud.... Quality, not quantity

As for you Mr. Jimmie:
Welcome to The Firing Line. I think we like you....let me just have our Sargeant at Arms give you the initiation.....Oh, Mr. Kodiac....wag or kill, boy!
Mr. Jimmie,
Sir, welcome to The Firing Line.
(And to the other new members as well - Welcome each one of you - but this post is for our new Airborne Brother ;) )
Let me fill you in on some TFL things here.
I appreciate your Military Style chest pounding - I remember a lot of it from the 82. Usually before I set there MILES GEAR off. Never had to take it further than that. As my point was prooven. The Old farts here - Careful with that noise! For many of these old farts - the only thing we got buried are the dudes who pissed us off.
The way we do things here at TFL are a little different than at the other Forums, like AR15.com. We dont tolerate FLAMERS SPAMMERS and TROLLS. This is a place for civilized discussion of our issues. Now, DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY, then head over the range and lock and load!
Ready on the RIGHT? Ready on the LEFT? Ready on The Firing Line!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Based on count if we all don't defend our rights maybe those backward types over at BLADEFORUMS will, they got us out numbered.
We need more members we cant let those blade freaks beat us, you know the old knife analogy.

Jimmie ya ever hear of a weapons cache? This is the hole you sighted your rifle (one of the many not in the hole) in on, so when someone comes along with their metal detector you,..... I'm sure you get the point.

Never keep all the eggs in one basket!
hi guys,
hate to put a damper on things but ernest 2's news about the NRA is not very good. The AARP (according to an article I read some time back) is very dedicated to the antigun cause. Through their healthcare and insurance ties they are actively involved with HCI and other anti orgs. The author of the article tried to get AARP to clarify their position and while they tried to downplay it, they did admit that it was a public health concern (much like the Center for Disease Control considers gun ownership a a disease and so a matter for their attention) and that since much of their activities are centered on trying to keep health care affordable for the elderly that they naturally were in favor of putting an end to the gun violence (read putting an end to gun ownership) that costs our society so much.
I can't remember what magazine it was in, but it was approximately 3 years ago. I remember it because my father who was an NRA member (for as long as I can remember) was also an AARP member and we had quite a discussion about it.
Ernest, since you are a member maybe you could find out what their current stance is.
It is true. The only lobby more powerful than NRA (measured in actual effectiveness) is AARP, according to what I've seen. NRA, dollar for dollar, is extremely effective due to the personal relationships NRA lobbyists develop with the critters, and because of our ability to get out the grass roots mail/fax campaigns. One reason to smile, anyway.