Lost Threads

To all Members and, most especially, Moderator George Hill:

Well, after 2 years, I guess it was bound to happen....with the stroke of a key, I inadvertently deleted the entire Lock and Load Forum last night. I can offer no excuse for this as I was moving thru the files faster than is prudent.

Further exacerbating the problem is the realization that our back-up procedures on the new server were improperly set up by me. Thus, the most recent backup available is from April 2000. I've lost four months worth of posts.

My most sincere apologies for the loss of so much work.
Rich Lucibella
I am not worried - People come to the range on good behavior... Safety first.
Now - if this happened in the Handgun Forum - GAWD!
Rule #1:
Always treat all keyboards as though they are always "hot".

Rule #2:
Never allow your cursor to cover anything you are not willing to destroy.

Rule #3:
Keep your finger off of the return key until you are ready to delete.

Know your icon, and what lies beneath.

Sorry, I couldn't resist :)