Lost in the Desert


New member
Went out on a little hike, and I came back... Cant find my Camp!

Way cool new art work!

Love it!

Ah... Anyone seen my tent?

I don't understand. Are you lost? You must have a lap top with you.
Okay first of all don't panic. Your TFL pards will find you.
What was your last location that you knew where you were.......................


P.S. DON'T eat the red berries.
Gunslinger, It took me a few seconds to figure out what he was talking about - the new TFL artwork on the home page. I have my browser set to go straight to the topics page and bypass the opening, haven't seen it in while. To see it click on "The Firing Line" a few inches below here

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited May 29, 1999).]
Uh........okay. I guess this mean I can put all the stuff away and call of the search party. And I thought we were all going to get to go to Utah. :D

On second thought, I think he is lost. Let's all meet in Moab and organize the search from there. First stop ... Canyonlands. ;)
Yikes, don't you dare get rid of the belt fed machine gun! Please? Pretty please. Ah, come on, Rich. What ever happened to "If it ain't broke....?
Problem is the machine gun *is* broke. Spark has traced certain crashes to it.

Fear not, however. Well post a link to the image so you can get your "fix".