lost a rifle....got it back


New member
Yes I did. Put it on the roof of my truck, got distracted...and then drove off.

After much wailing and gnashing of teeth.....and a trip to the SO, ....and walking my route about a total of 6 miles....and half a dozen signs up at local corner stores....guy surfaces 4 days later and returns it.

Whew.....my beloved Mini-Mauser with a 6x Leu on it.

Tried too. And had advertised same. Guy would not take it, no way.

Yeah, lucky.

And there are still a FEW good people out there. But I had given up hope.
I'll congratulate you when you say you sighted it in and it still shoots well. About 6 feet off most truck roofs and I'm guessing it hit tarmac. Best of luck.
He finds a mini mauser with leupold scope and returns it to you, refuses a reward. Heck sounds like he could make a good hunting buddy if ya need one. Hope the rifle and scope are all OK.

The Mini-Mauser was in a padded gun sleeve. Cosmetically, no change. Inspection yielded that the Leupold, was off set to the right of the bore. Though I feared the tube may have been bent, closer investigation showed that the forward aluminum base was "tweaked". Replaced the bases with a one piece number that I had on hand.

Four shots gave a 25 yd zero, 100 yd zero coming when I find the time.
Have every reason to believe the rifle is OK.
He finds a mini mauser with leupold scope and returns it to you, refuses a reward. Heck sounds like he could make a good hunting buddy if ya need one.

+1 If he won't take a reward, maybe he will accept an invitation to hunt.
Left my shotgun on top of the truck

This past duck season, I was loading up my truck after hunting, and got out of my usual routine. I laid my shotgun on the roof rack of my truck ( Nissan Frontier). I drove to the check out station and when I got back in my truck I did not notice my shotgun on the roof. I drove about five miles at 60 mph on a two lane rd. For some reason I thought about my gun and couldn't remember casing it. I pulled off the road so I could check the case which was on the back seat. No shotgun! My first instinct was to set the land speed record back to the refuge, but I got out and looked on the roof rack. There was my shotgun. I think it didn't blow off because the Nissan roof rack has an air deflector on the front and it must have deflected the air up and over my gun. I'm starting two worry about my, can't remember what now. Anyway this incident ended well.
There are still good honest people out there.

Did the same with a $200 bass combo and got it back with some of the trigger grinded off. Other wise fine it landed perfectly as it could. I am also starting to experience some timers. Some times I remember, some times I don't. It is related to Can't remember chit.
lost bow

My best friend did that with his bow. After a hunt in the dark we were packing up to go home. He layed his bow on the roof of the pickup topper and we drove off. He never missed it until the next day. We were parked in the same spot and about 100 yards up the road we found it, a little dirty but ok,the hunt was on !!!! hdbiker
I didn't read it in the post, but I hope you notified the SO it was recovered.

I got bit in the butt one time because a lost rifle was entered into NCIS but wasn't cleared when it was found.

I was running the AK NG Marksmanship Unit, and in route to the Wilson Matches in Little Rock (NG Championships) one of our M-14s were stolen. I Notified my boss in Alaska and the FBI & Local PD. We had a spare but that wasn't a problem.

The problem occurred after I got home. Good news, the rifle was recovered, some Air Port baggage handler was caught drunk waiving it around down town Little Rock.

Bad new; The same rifle was listed as stolen/lost in 1978 in Nome AK. Though I had an alibi, (I was in SE Asia at the time), it still didn't do me any good, I'm the OIC of the MKS Unit, its a Marksmanship Gun, so its my fault.

You would not believe the paper work in finding a lost rifle that had already been lost and not recovered.