Lost 51 navy spring?


New member
I've been shooting the heck out of my new/old Navy (tnx, OldWheat) and tore it down last night for a complete cleaning. (I've been using KIK, a Slovokian black powder, which seems pretty good.)

When I was looking at the parts in front of me and comparing to a diagram, I realized I had the "Hand" but no "spring" for the hand-spring assembly.:confused: I didn't sense anything pop or fall out during disassembly. And I ran a shop magnet all over the area and floor where I was working and found nothing. I figure there were two options:

1. I did LOSE the spring and never noticed--and it fell into the abyss with all my right-hand gloves and half my socks. (This is my guess.)

2. This Navy never had the spring.
Is it possible this model of the Petta navy doesn't have the spring or can work without it? (I noticed that I sometimes have to thumb the hammer forward the last 1/4" before I can cock it back to half-cock.)

I'm going to order a new one from VIT Gunparts, unless y'all have a better idea.

Also, since I'll be paying freight anyway, are their any other parts I should stock up on?

Unless that Pietta Navy copy is different, there should be a hand spring, set into the back of the hand. If it is not there, the cylinder will turn OK when the gun is pointed down, but will not turn when the gun is pointed upward.

You can sometimes buy handsprings separately, but you might have to buy the hand/handspring assembly. Other parts that have a high failure rate are the trigger/bolt spring, the bolt (cylinder stop) itself, and the trigger.

It's possible if you hold the muzzle down to cock it without noticing the hand spring missing. Most likely it's a recent occurence, maybe even broken off during disassembly. I have seen hand springs made out of bobby pins that hold up very well. I'd get a hand and spring asembly(not sure you can get the spring separately)and a bolt and bolt/trigger spring while I was at it. You may never need them but it's better to have and not need than need and not have. If you do get a new hand it may need fitting some to be in time.

LOL JK I guess great minds think alike. I was writin while you were postin.
Thanks, I'll order and check back when fittin' time comes.

til then I might fiddle with a bobby pin spring--problem is, I don't have the original to compare to.

TNX, again.
Found it...

but thanks for the info, it'll come in handy.

It was hiding up in the frame. Now, I'm ready to rock and roll on Dad's Day.

Knock on wood, the 51 Navy was amazingly easy to reassemble. No parts left over and it actually works.