Losing your vision?


Being a very nearsighted person(20/600), these scenarios has always been in my mind as a defense situation.

Suppose the bad guy is already in your room by the time you're awake? Do you have time to get glasses etc. on before you can defend yourself? Say you are jumped by a bad guy, with my judo and wrestling training, i have lost many a contact in an close quarters encounter before. Self-defense never goes the way its supposed to and I want to be prepared

What strategies/equipment do you recommend for a person with bad vision for these situations? Besides martial arts training and "fortifying" the house what other ideas do you guys have?
Sleep on a knife with a long blade or tape it to the bedpost or headboard. Let's say you're under the covers and you find someone on top of you and your pinned underneath the sheets. A knife close by that you can instinctively grab would be useful in close quarters.

I've practiced shooting without my glasses -- not without eye protection, of course, but without corrective lenses -- for exactly that reason.

I practice from the furthest distance from which I can always identify loved ones without my glasses (that's about 3 yards for me). Although I firmly believe I could get good hits from further out, I have no intention of pulling the trigger beyond the distance I am able to reliably identify my target.

If your range will let you do it, try doing the same.

Oh, and I always ask a buddy to act as RO for me when I'm doing this. Just a leeetle paranoid, that's me.

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A good watchdog and or security system on your home along with locking your bedroom door goes a long way in preparing for a home invasion.

Pax, Good idea to practice without the corrective lenses on. I’m gonna try it next time I’m outback shooting.
I am also near-sighted. My practice always includes shooting both strong and weak hand without my glasses. I advise those of us who wear any type of corrective lenses to do the same.
I'm a "four eyes" also. I do the same as Pax and 45 Fu, I practice without my glasses (but with eye protection).

I also train weak handed and have used outdoor ranges where it's hotter than blazes and let the sweat get into my eyes to make it more real.

Thanks for the tips guys, ill be trying that next time. Couple tips I heard searching around other websites.

-Taping an extra pair of cheap prescription glasses to the stock of home defense long arms.

-Practicing a "quick draw" with corrective lenses to be able to put on/take off and replace quickly.

Something an optometrist said got my interest: Nearsighted people are able to acqure sight pictures easier with shorter sight radiuses than long sight radiuses, and vice versa for farsighted people.

Do you guys find this to be true? I always thought longer was better no matter the case, but considering my fingertips are out of focus at arms length this kind of makes sense.