Losing the gunrights war, another perspective.


I have an intuetive sense to me about people, always have. I have been employed in a job that for several years required me to interview job candidates. I have found that if my "gut" tells me someone is right for the job, they probably will be. The times I didn't pay attention to that little voice often resulted in bad employees. I have stopped arguing with the anti rights croud and have started listening with my gut. My gut says, this is a war. I stumbled on this article today that makes me wonder. What do you folks think? http://www.keepandbeararms.com/newsarchives/XcNewsPlus.asp?cmd=view&articleid=392

Good article. My brother and I have had ongoing discussions on this topic. He is an officer in the Air Force and firmly believes the UN is out to disarm the world, except for the UN 'peacekeeping' force. I have a copy of the 1961 UN document in electronic format, if you're interested - e-mail me. There have been similar topics posted recently. Although I have real doubts about them being able to pull this off, the more I study it, the more concerened I get.
The author is paranoid, the story plot line is scary, we are all safe :rolleyes:

This IS some of the scariest news I have read and I can see its points. We are all F'ed

[This message has been edited by hube1236 (edited August 08, 2000).]
I hate to sound all cheery here, but if we review US history, somehope for avoiding a war exists. My guess is that enough people will get creative under duress to head off a shooting war in favor of something more selective, if equally nasty.

Oleg "peacemonger" Volk

With our government wed be stupid not to be paranoind or much less be armed.
What do you think the commie's are using the canal for that Comrade Clinton gave them.
Hmmm wonder if they find it conveniant to keep a smallll number of troops on hand their.
After all their we 'bear them no ill will'
so states the GOP platform.
In the next few years theyll become a member of the WTO, communism will 'fall' *as* it did in Russia and they will be declared a socialist country and become a member of the
The UN powers that be will then have a whole new source of UN peacekeepers with no concience.
A lot like what were turning our millitary into,the experienced and the patriot's leaving over discussed and the insidious and the convicts being brought in.
OLEG VOLK--Unfortunatly I greatly disagree with you especially considering that the motivating force behind the expansion of the UN powers and authority.
A shootout on a large scale is the very least we would need to do to teach a harsh lesson to the elite that want to subjugate the free american.
I have heard a rumore from a friend ,remember RUMORE all new GI's have to sign a new agreement when entering the armed services.
1.Would serve under UN commanders/
2.would fire upon US citizens if so ordered.

I too view it as hearsay for now but wouldnt be surprised if it happened.

Ruby Ridge

"those who sacrifice
liberty for security deserve neither"
Just because you think you're paranoid does NOT mean that they aren't out to get you!

I would also like to dispell the notion about some new "oath" being administered to those who are enlisting or re-enlisting. I'm on active duty with the Navy. Have been for over 12 years now. The oath hasn't changed in that time. Several of my friends have re-enlisted in the last handful of months (including my baby brother in the Air Force), and I was paying attention because of comments I had read here and in other places. I always reaffirm that oath right along with them, silently and to myself alone. I'm getting out in two months, but I promise that I will still act as supporter and defender of the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And I think we have MUCH more to fear from the latter than the former. And my concerns have nothing to do with "terrorists", either.
BOB-thank you Bob very nice to hear its only a rumor.
Also nice to hear Im not the only who's annoyed with some officials trying to say their's some form of regular 'terrorist'
activity going on in country.
Ofcourse considering the way we get 'involved' in other countries it would not surprise me.
I dread the day such things do happen because Im sure their will be UN forces a plenty handty to be sent in to help 'keep peace' for their member nation and GREAT contributer the US.
Bob did you also hear the rumore that US marines were used in Australia after guns were basically banned in helping to recover them, not nessecarily by force but mostly in the way of manpower.
And I know that our boys being used in Kosovo to kick down doors and look for weapons actually happened it was printed in our own paper.
Discouraging thought that.Its not too hard to put my shoes in those of the kocovoan's.
Their was trouble and they were labeled criminals' no assumption that they might be interested in protecting themselves whatsoever.

"those who sacrifice
liberty for security deserve neither"
Global disarmament except for UN "peacekeepers" is on the official party Platform of the Green Party here in Austria. The socialists are slowly catching on to the same idea, trying to transform the conscription army into a professional army - they are obviously no longer concerned about an army turning on its own people.

I see no elephant in my cellar. If there were an elephant in my cellar, I would surely see it. Therefore, there is no elephant in my cellar.


I'd *much* more worried if I did not have weapons of my own. I'd be much *less* worried if I had better training.

What I was saying is analogous to the idea of not fighting one read line against another...but rather snipe from the woods. I beleive that smart people among us can fight the known enemies with tools other than guns and HE. Going toe to toe against tanks is suicidal. Playing tricks on the people behind the C3 is quite another and likely to be more effective.

It is *possible* that a civilized country would get weird fast and start offing its citizens (1938) or get invaded by someone who would do so. It may well be likely...but I am not convinced that we are all that close to that stage how if 30-06 works.

Oleg "peacemonger" Volk
