Loosening the vise.


New member
The question for this thread is:

Do the restrictions placed upon us as a nation create a positive feedback system that generates more crime/criminals than it prevents? (I'm not just talking about gun regulations/restrictions in this question, either.)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
You mean like criminalising non-crimes like,
Drug use,
Oral sex,
Unconventional religious practices,
Same sex relations,
Gun ownership,
Drinking beer before the age of 21,
Buying booze on Sundays,
Owning fireworks,

Yes, I think making these non-crimes into criminal acts causes more problems than it hopes to solve.
These laws and regulations also serve to make most people somewhat scornful of the law, and hence even more prone to break even more laws.

We're rapidly approaching a society in which "that which is not forbidden is compulsory."

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
Two things to consider. First, the socialists do not want to solve the crime problem. Instead, they hope to use it as a means to destroy our Freedom so that they will be in power. Finally, no one in this nation from the city do catcher to the President wants to be accountable. Why do you think Clinton skated on felony charges? I'll tell you why. He had the goods on all the Repbulicans and he held it over their heads. Politicians don't want stiff penalties because they may be subject to them some day. Liberty demands responsibility. When absolutes are eliminated chaos will ensue. We are in chaos. Many have said that if things don't change, we will go down the tube. That time has passed, we are going down the proverbial tubes. All that can be done at this point is to enjoy each day as it comes and be a peace with the Lord Jesus Christ. Each day, that something catastophic does not occur in this country, we should be surprised.

Good Shooting ---- Will Beararms

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
There is a passage in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" where a White House-type mucky-muck explains that the whole purpose of all the myriad rules and regulations is to make doing business so complex that some law WILL be broken, in spite of efforts to the contrary.

The intent is to inculcate a guilt-trip, and render folks vulnerable to governmental manipulation.

Now, this was written back when God & I were a lot younger. Prophetic, no?

:(, Art
Rome in its years of decline was caught in a similiar situation. She passed laws which, being unenforceable, were ignored by her citizenry. Gradually, Romans grew apathetic towards the state and the Romans became quite unable to even defend themselves.

Our parallel is that the "feel good" laws enacted by politicos like Feinswine, Schumer, Kennedy drive us in this direction.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt