Loose Kimber Thumb Safety


New member
Are the specs on thumb-safeties on 1911 pistols supposed to be so loose that they "jiggle" when the hammer is down?

I returned my new Kimber Ultra CDP to Kimber with this problem (along with a slam-fire problem), and just got it back.
All Kimber did was GRIND OFF the portion of the safety that swings onto the slide without taking care of the "jiggle" itself. It was a quick and lousy grind-job, and it looks it. They didn't even try to polish it. -I would have done a better job with my Dremel.

I have four questions:
1) are thumb safeties supposed to be so loose (especially on a Kimber?) This is only my second 1911-style;
2) shouldn't they have fixed or replaced the safety instead of grinding-off the part that covers the slide;
3) should I accept such a lousy grind-job (for what I paid for it);
4) should I be really pissed with Kimber?
No, the thumb safety should not be loose in any position. It should be held by the safety plunger and its spring inside the tube. You might check to be sure that plunger and spring are not binding somewhere, possibly in the tube.

I am not sure what you mean by the "part that covers the slide. If you mean the part of the safety that goes into the slide notch to lock the slide, it is part of the design of the gun to do that so the safety locks both the trigger and the slide.

Other than another trip to Kimber, I don't know what to suggest except to try a local gunsmith or order another safety from Brownells and fit it or have it fitted.

As to your other questions, I can't answer to your feelings, but I don't think I would be happy with Kimber at the moment.

Proper way to repair a Kimber:

1. Remove the offending safety.

2. Throw the Kimber and the offending safety into separate bodies of water.

3. Buy a Colt 45 Automatic Pistol.
The safety on a 1911 is a little aggrivating to get just right. I have had to take guns back more than once to a gunsmith to get right. It should not wiggle in either positon and it should have a very positive click going into both positions. You might have to buy an after market safety before your satified. Wilson combat sells some good ones. To tell you the truth I have never been satified with a factory safety job. I learned to do my own safety installations years ago out of neccesity. It does take some trial and erro. Also just changing out the plunger spring can make a lot difference. There is a very critical relationship between the plunger and the safety. You might want to just send your gun to somebody like Wilson Combat and have them install a new safety on it. If you are lucky they will get it right the first time. IMHO installing a safety on a 1911 is more of an art than anything else. Sometimes they go in and work prefect right off the bat and sometimes it can take a couple of hours or so to get it right. And sometimes you have to throw the parts away and start over again. But it is all worth it once you get it right.