Loose bolt (lateral) in mauser or other boltaction?


New member
Today I looked at various surplus mausers.

A couple (that I otherwise liked) amongst a group with which I found various flaws had loose bolts (while others, tight).

That is, with bolt closed I could wiggle the back side to side.

Is this worth worrying about? Does this hurt accuracy/function in a Mauser (or 700?)?

Depends if they were loose with a round chambered. All Mauser actions (meaning the 93, 94, 95, 96, and 98's) have some varying degree of slop in them, especially in the rear portion of the bolt. It's a military action, designed to function in adverse conditions.

It's how they lock up with either a headspace gauge, or a chambered round, that tells you lug engagement. Take a black magic marker, color in the engagement surfaces of both locking lugs, then chamber either a headspace gauge or cartridge. Open and remove the bolt, then see how much of the black marker was rubbed away by engagement of the lug recesses in the receiver.
I doubt if you would notice the effect of this looseness on a hunting rifle. For a varmit or target rifle it could make a difference in ultimate accuracy.

A good gunsmith can remove this looseness if you choose to do so.
This is more noticeable in a Mauser 98 than on earlier rifles, but it is quite normal and nothing to worry about.
